

Hi Maria,

I haven't found any disadvantages in doing it so I think it's a good idea.
There is some code in MEEGTools for using the head tracking data. For
instance you can recompute the sensor locations based just on parts of the
data that you are using or exclude some data based on head
location/movement. But this is mostly useful if you do source localisation
and if you have subjects that cannot keep still. For most normal controls
the head is quite stable.


On 3 Aug 2011, at 21:49, "Chait, Maria" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

 Hi Vladimir,

I have started MEGing again!

Wanted to ask you if there is any real advantage to doing continuous head
localization (rather than just before and after the block).

What is the data used for?



Maria Chait PhD

[log in to unmask]

Research Fellow

UCL Ear Institute

332 Gray's Inn Road

London WC1X 8EE