

Dear SPMers
This is my first time to do source reconstruction by VB-ECD with EEG
files. There are four different trials in my experiment.Following the
manual of SPM8, I try to locate the dipoles with one trial each
time(it difficult to run all four types trial in my poor laptop). when
finished  the step Invert, I could found the result by click the dip
in the GUI. But I only review result of the latest type of trial.How
to review other type trial?
with the help of spm_eeg_inv_vbecd_disp I know that  to review other
results must special the parameter ind. the D.inv display the
following ans:
                    [1x1 struct]  [1x1 struct]  [1x1 struct]  [1x1 struct]
how to review other type result,such as 2?

Thank you in advance for advice,
