

Dear Ksenija Brorjevic

I'm a micromorphologist working with Britta Pollmann, University of  
Basel, Switzerland. She forewarded your question about making thin  
sections of plant remains to me. We are working with microscopic thin  
sections like geologist are doing. We put our sediments, organic  
remains or coprolites in epoxid resin and give our dried blocks to a  
geologic lab to make out the section. It is possible to estimate the  
charcoal and several seeds with some experience and reference slides.  
If you need further informations, let me know. I'm sending you a link  
to an online publication - sorry, in german - with some picture of  
thin sections (p. 20-28), just as an impression.

All the best,

Britta Pollmann
Institut für Prähistorische und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie
Spalenring 145
CH 4055 Basel
Tel. 0041 61 201 02 33
Fax. 0041 61 201 02 35

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