

Diolch am eich neges. Mae’r Llinell Gyswllt â’r Gymraeg wedi derbyn nifer uchel o ymholiadau dros y dyddiau diwethaf, ac fe wnawn ni ymateb i’ch ymholiad mor fuan â phosib. Os yw eich cais am gyfieithiad yn hirach na 30 gair cysylltwch â Chymdeithas Cyfieithwyr Cymru er mwyn dod o hyd i gyfieithydd cydnabyddedig.

Gyda diolch,

Staff y Llinell Gyswllt â’r Gymraeg


Thank you for your message. The Link Line to Welsh has experienced a high number of enquiries during the past few days, and we will answer your enquiry as soon as possible. If your translation is more than 30 words, please contact the Association of Welsh Translators to find a reputable translator.

Thank you,

LinkLine to Welsh Staff