

Dear all,

I'm new to Bayesian stats and WinBUGS, and I'd really appreciate your advice 
regarding a hierarchical Bayes model, and bayesian jargon/usage in general.

I'm trying to build a hierarchical model for a meta-analysis study. 
Basically, the model has two components: a lower-level model that I think 
would be a data model, and a higher-level model that I think is a process 
model (below I explain each in depth). I want to propagate the uncertainty 
from the original samples through to the posterior of the process model. I'm 
particularly intersted in the effect of Type (see below), as well as in 
variance conponents. I wrote WinBUGS codes both for the data and process 
models, and both codes run nicely on their own (with simulated data). 
However, I've been unable to combine both models into a single hierarchical 
Bayes model; here's where a hand would be very much appreciated.

So, the idea is the following: I want to model the response variable H as a 
function of some fixed and random effects using a nested, mixed model. This 
would be the process model. However, H is a sort of random difference, 
inferred from data available in the literature. Specifically, H is 
calculated using the following data model:

H = abs(mean1 - mean2) / SDp

where abs is absolute value, mean1 and mean2 are mean trait values of 
samples 1 and 2 with sample size N1 and N2, and SDp is the pooled standard 
deviation of both samples. Means, SDs, and Ns are extracted from the 
literature, and the posterior distribution of H is calculated propagating 
the uncertainty from means and SDs (see code below), which are a function of 
sample size. This is done for each i entry in the database.

Now, I need to model the (random) response variable H as a function of some 
fixed and random factors, for example using the following process model:

H(i) = Intercept + Type + System(type) + e

where Intercept is the overall mean, Type is a fixed factor with two levels, 
System(Type) is a random factor nested in Type, and e is the residual error.

Both, the data model to obtain the posterior of H for each entry, and the 
process model to obtain the posterior for the effects of Type and System, 
are working nicely when run independently from each other. But, how can I 
put them into a single hierarchical model????

I was checking Clark and Gelfand's book, and one option seems to be using 
'empirical Bayes'. I think this would involve the following steps: 1) run 
the data model and record H-hat as well as the SD of H. 2) Assume that the 
posterior of H is normally distributed. And 3), fit the process model to the 
H-hat data and use SD of H as an additional source of error at the right 
side of the equation. However, the assumption in step 2) can be problematic, 
because we're interested in the absolute value of differences, and 
distributions can therefore be biased to the right. A proper hierarchical 
Bayes analysis should be much more robust.

Please, help me see the light...

Below are the two (still) independent codes with some simulated data to run 
them independently.

Any clue/critique will be appreciated.



Cristián Correa Guzmán, PhD Candidate
Redpath Museum, Dept of Biology, McGill University
859 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6

Data model:

for (i in 1:5) {      # for five cases compiled from the literature (in 
                            #reality there're hundreds)

M1[i] ~ dnorm(X1[i], tau1[i]) # expected mean of sample 1
M2[i] ~ dnorm(X2[i], tau2[i])

SD1[i] ~ dnorm(S1[i], tauSD1[i]) I(0, ) # expected SD of sample 1; >= 0. 
SD2[i] ~ dnorm(S2[i], tauSD2[i]) I(0, )

SE1[i] <- SD1[i]/sqrt(N1[i])             #SE of observed mean 1 (SE of X1)
SE2[i] <- SD2[i]/sqrt(N2[i])

tau1[i] <- 1 / (SE1[i] * SE1[i])         #Presicion for expected mean 1.
tau2[i] <- 1/ (SE2[i] * SE2[i])

tauSD1[i] <- 1 / pow((S1[i] * sqrt(2 / N1[i])),2) #Presicion for expected SD1
tauSD2[i] <- 1 / pow((S2[i] * sqrt(2 / N2[i])), 2) # SD of SD formula

var1[i] <- pow(SD1[i], 2) # Expected variance 1
var2[i] <- pow(SD2[i], 2)

SS1[i] <- var1[i] * (N1[i]-1) # Expected sum of squares
SS2[i] <- var2[i] * (N2[i]-1)

SDP[i] <- sqrt((SS1[i] + SS2[i]) / (N1[i] + N2[i] - 2)) # Expected SD pooled

H[i] <- abs(M1[i] - M2[i])/SDP[i] # Expected H (posterior)


#here a few data entries (rows) to try out the code, 
#the real dataset has hundreds of rows nested in systems and types (see next model)

N1[] N2[] X1[] X2[] S1[] S2[]
5 5 25 27 3 3
10 10 25 27 3 3
20 20 25 27 3 3
50 50 25 27 3 3
100 100 25 27 3 3



Process model:

#MODEL y = a + cont + Sys(cont) + e,
#With X fixed and Sys(cont) random and nested in cont.
# Nesting was achieved through a double loop.


a ~ dnorm(0, 1.0E-6) # prior for intercept (global mean)
type[1] ~ dunif(0,50) # prior for type (symetric offset from a)
type[2] <- type[1]*-1

SDSys ~ dunif(0, 100) #prior, among System variation
tauSys <- 1/(SDSys*SDSys)

RMSE ~ dunif(0, 100) # prior, within System variation. Root mean square error
tau <- 1/(RMSE*RMSE)

for (c in 1:2){
for (s in 1:6){         # For each System nested in Type
                            # Nesting is achieved by double loop.
mSys[c, s] ~ dnorm(0, tauSys) # randdom effect of system nested in Type

for (i in 1:144){     #For each record (H, from the data model)

H[i] ~ dnorm(mH[i], tau)

mH[i] <- a + type[X[i]] + mSys[X[i],System[i]]


Initials list(a = 10, type = c(5, NA), SDSys = 3) # initil values

# Here some simulated data where H is provided as an observed value.
# The idea is to provide means, SDs, and Ns, however, 
# and let H be a random variable based on the data model.
X[] System[] H[]
1 1 21.40526982
1 1 22.96069847
1 1 22.08790818
1 1 21.42811912
1 1 20.4203889
1 1 20.87540562
1 1 22.69079362
1 1 20.63009231
1 1 21.50064958
1 1 20.94080642
1 1 19.53246408
1 1 19.67526267
1 2 23.70950204
1 2 22.72182131
1 2 22.86289987
1 2 22.79907877
1 2 22.58214768
1 2 21.70751405
1 2 23.46384169
1 2 21.95452943
1 2 21.4559775
1 2 21.90409722
1 2 22.58854097
1 2 22.33987684
1 3 20.02665508
1 3 22.01765585
1 3 21.87157499
1 3 21.28572564
1 3 19.52806341
1 3 20.30449887
1 3 19.90207673
1 3 22.19582165
1 3 20.25635854
1 3 19.9580788
1 3 20.49807313
1 3 21.77696825
1 4 21.54902098
1 4 22.16761695
1 4 23.37282613
1 4 22.08414268
1 4 20.39198022
1 4 20.00225098
1 4 21.62097735
1 4 21.39075705
1 4 21.62931963
1 4 20.94289489
1 4 20.89058214
1 4 21.17044182
1 5 23.93100653
1 5 21.91187502
1 5 22.04685022
1 5 20.43306248
1 5 21.6970992
1 5 22.36825873
1 5 21.9484764
1 5 21.24235915
1 5 23.83174111
1 5 20.52429564
1 5 24.12862272
1 5 22.12816677
1 6 22.3585235
1 6 23.68226229
1 6 23.91913943
1 6 23.41560378
1 6 23.38594401
1 6 23.18804779
1 6 22.45934697
1 6 23.43975144
1 6 23.20264347
1 6 22.78201585
1 6 22.63947057
1 6 23.15890862
2 1 18.90443667
2 1 16.52527693
2 1 16.39718828
2 1 18.83546672
2 1 16.95609958
2 1 16.55602424
2 1 15.93888648
2 1 16.24977523
2 1 16.74221991
2 1 16.65873049
2 1 17.05805293
2 1 16.44065973
2 2 16.98697446
2 2 15.60740868
2 2 16.0380606
2 2 16.32339374
2 2 15.85330468
2 2 16.0702883
2 2 16.23681495
2 2 16.08152729
2 2 17.52479701
2 2 16.68068865
2 2 15.78972641
2 2 17.1039102
2 3 18.83569314
2 3 16.97038274
2 3 18.78421037
2 3 16.57855431
2 3 15.47891875
2 3 16.67819926
2 3 16.42623461
2 3 19.02827806
2 3 17.14768946
2 3 15.4561619
2 3 16.04244614
2 3 17.15557746
2 4 18.46772785
2 4 17.15541072
2 4 17.83362105
2 4 17.75359394
2 4 18.51484984
2 4 19.39443054
2 4 19.47705076
2 4 18.09696832
2 4 20.75061711
2 4 18.9564764
2 4 19.84962105
2 4 19.4744911
2 5 17.22561034
2 5 20.16334588
2 5 18.39367953
2 5 18.42276135
2 5 19.17101536
2 5 18.5779392
2 5 16.60984269
2 5 17.52040153
2 5 16.8098906
2 5 20.01838996
2 5 18.04699373
2 5 17.82742983
2 6 21.12148807
2 6 20.74469858
2 6 19.84250989
2 6 19.23402202
2 6 20.44772861
2 6 21.12731162
2 6 20.37193643
2 6 20.70035173
2 6 18.38081773
2 6 18.62533173
2 6 18.67498957
2 6 18.96553952

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