

Call for presentations, workshops, provocations

In 1921 the Stage printed an article that asked why the new ‘Kinema’ had not remained part of theatre. The reasons offered centred on finance and lack of skill in the training of directors to be able to integrate this screen based phenomena with live actors.

Issues surrounding the appropriate training of performance makers in dealing with ‘new’ technologies still abound and the digital age has brought an unprecedented plethora of new presentation systems into live into the live performance field. Our graduates by and large still lack specialist skills to develop performance works that incorporate technology appropriately and well.  

The TAPRA Theatre, Performance and Technologies working group would like to invite short (10 min.) provocations and suggestions for workshops and presentations at an interim symposium to take place on May 8th at Theatre Workshop, the University of Sheffield to explore the impact of the increasing level of new technologies in performance on the way in which we teach the subject. 

We would like to address the following questions:-

•	What precisely do we mean by technology in theatre in the 21st Century? 

•	When performing with technologies do we inevitably become technology-led?

•	Who should be teaching multimedia theatre?

•	Do we need more magicians in theatre schools?

•	Does the inclusion of technology act to exclude women?
Please send a short description of your presentation/provocation/workshop and your technological needs by 15th April 2010 to the working group convenors: Carmen Szabo ([log in to unmask]), Toni Sant