

"Similar quality of reporting may hide important differences in
methodological quality, and well-conducted trials may be reported badly. A
clear distinction should be made between these 2 dimensions of the quality
of RCT"
Huwiler-Muntener et al. JAMA 2002;287:2801-2804

The distinction between quality of reporting vs quality of study is
important when teaching tools to assess the quality of a body of evidence
(ie., casp, consort, stard, etc.)
I´ve seen some confusion for the novel pupils in the field of EBM

Quality of reporting is aimed at authors, meanwhile study quality is aimed
at readers making a critical appraisal

I made this distinction in a google spreadsheet (link below) I do not know
if there are other spreadhseets or PPTs out there, and please, feel free to
correct me or add the tools you consider viable.

I know there are lots of them and I´ve never seen a head to head comparison
in well designed studies, but as a beginning I thought we could add +/- vote
for the ones we use the most?

This is an open document, you can edit as you please

Carlos A. Cuello-García, MD
Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Practice-Tecnologico de Monterrey
Cochrane-ITESM coordinator. Professor of Paediatrics and Clinical Research
Avda. Morones Prieto 3000 pte. Col. Doctores. CITES 3er. piso,Monterrey NL,
México. CP64710
Phone. +52(81)88882154 & 2141. Fax: +52(81)88882148

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