


I'm trying to help based on my knowledge to SPM.

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Avia Abramovitz <[log in to unmask]>wrote:

> Dear SPM users,
> I'm a new user and have some beginner's questions...
> I'm trying to understand what is the right way to use the realignment
> stage:
> So far I understoodd that this stage should realign my scans to the first
> scan or the mean one. the scans are within-subject in time difference,
> right?

Yes, it is within subject.

> Lets say I have a a sequence of 56 T2 scans-
> If I want to realign them is it correct to upload all of them and than the
> SPM will realign each scan to the first one or the mean one depending on my
> choice.
If all the 56 scans (volumes) are for one subject, then, yes.

> If so, what sense does it make? the different scans obviously doesn't show
> the same slice height, and the brain shape in scan 1 is very different from
> scan 56, so I don't understand how does the realignment make sense.
This is to compensate the headmovement of one subject during the scan
period. For example, you can't guarantee that your subject doesn't move his
head a little during the scan time, right?  And , I'm not sure what you mean
by ' the different scans obviously doesn't show the same slice height'...
Do you mix up the concept of "slice" and "scan"?

> If not- what should I basically do? should I upload scans of the same
> subject
> of the same slice only in different times.
> This might sound confused, so If someone can explain me what exactly is
> realigned to what, I will be greatly thankful...
> Avia

