

The talk details are as follows.
Please note that this talk starts at *1pm *and there will be 
cheese/snacks from around 12.

Title: Metal Fume and Risk of Infectious Pneumonia
Speaker: David Coggon (MRC Epidemiology Resource Centre, Southampton 
Venue: Fylde SCR, Lancaster University
Time: 2009-11-26 *13:00 Thursday*  (Cheese biscuits, Snacks FROM 12:00)

This presentation will describe how routine epidemiological surveillance 
has led to the discovery of a previously unrecognised occupational 
health hazard. Findings from a national analysis of occupational 
mortality for 1979-90 indicated elevated PMRs for pneumonia in welders 
and other occupations involving exposure to metal fume. Further 
investigation revealed that this had been a consistent observation over 
more than 50 years. A subsequent case-control study in the West Midlands 
confirmed that the elevation of risk extended to non-fatal, 
community-acquired pneumonia treated in hospital. The evidence that has 
been accumulated indicates that the hazard is principally for lobar 
pneumonia; extends to disease caused by other infectious agents as well 
as the pneumococcus; is caused by ferrous fume and possibly by other 
metals; and disappears once exposure ceases. Research is now underway to 
explore possible pathogenetic mechanisms so that exposure-response 
relationships can be better characterised, and strategies can be 
developed to reduce risk.