

Health Care Renewal (, the blog I help write on concentration and abuse of power in health care, which frequently addresses conflicts of interest, stealth marketing and advocacy, manipulation and suppression of research, etc, is also on Twitter, with updates linking to recent posts, here:

Hello everyone

I did not understand tweeter until I finally make use of it; I thought it was for teenagers and actually i was feeling old already. I was wrong. Mean age of tweeter users is above 31. Rapid share of information and news has been really helpful to me, some say is replacing the RSS.

I do not think it will replace e-mail groups or social networking like facebook. But it is really interesting using it when you do not have time to write large mails and news. You only pass the info and you could save it for latter or read it if you have time.

My point is

I am looking for "tweeple" (people + tweeter) to follow and follow me.

If someone in the group uses tweeter here is my account

It would be nice to see you on a day by day basis, to share info and news, and after that we could post here in the jisc-mail

What do you think?

Carlos A. Cuello-García, MD
Director, Centre for Evidence-Based Practice-Tecnologico de Monterrey
Cochrane-ITESM coordinator. Professor of Paediatrics and Clinical Research
Avda. Morones Prieto 3000 pte. Col. Doctores. CITES 3er. piso,Monterrey NL, México. CP64710
Phone. +52(81)88882154 & 2141. Fax: +52(81)88882019

Roy M. Poses MD
Clinical Associate Professor 
Brown University School of Medicine
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