

Dear All

Just to say that there are still a very limited number of places available on these courses so please let me know as soon as possible if you wish to attend one or both.

I have had a couple of queries from members of the list regarding the content of each course. Well for their benefit and anyone else who might be wondering exactly what you will get for your hefty delegate fee please find the information that CSDirect provides below. Please excuse the length of this email.



Rod Crowley
Systems Team Leader
Edward Boyle Library
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +44 (0)113 343 5565

Load Profile Training

Upon completion of this course, the user will be able to:

Understand the structure of the Innovative database including:
        - Innovative record structure
        - Variable- and fixed-length fields in each record type
        - Field values for fixed-length fields
Understand the load profiles already in place on the system
Update existing load profiles for the following record types: bibliographic, authority, patron, item, order and holdings. All record types need to be provided in MARC format.
Create new load profiles for the following record types: bibliographic, authority, patron, item, order and holdings. All record types need to be provided in MARC format.
Be familiar with the issues that need to be considered for each new load profile, including:
        - Overlay settings for the following record types: bibliographic, authority and patron. Overlay of attached records is not supported with this workshop.
        - Protecting fields in the bibliographic, authority or patron record from overlay.
        - Which defaults for new records should be used.
        - Attaching item, order, and holdings records to bibliographic records.
        - Deriving call numbers and location codes
Create simple translation tables (for example, to translate an alphabetic value in the incoming data into a numeric code in the Innovative record)
Add menu options to allow for batch loading files of MARC records using the new load profiles
Test load profiles before putting them into production

Advanced System Access & Administration Training

Upon completion of this course, the user will have access to:

The Advanced System Access & Administration (ASAA) feature which allows the editing and maintaining of many of the system files, such as name or label files, rule tables, and limiting tables. This feature also grants advanced control of system printers and review files. The ASAA mode is available from the Millennium Administration panel.

The following files can be edited following Advanced System Access & Administration training:
- Account name
- Library name
- Holding symbol
- Multi line field labels
- Indexlabels name
- MARC label names
- Long names for fixed length fields
- Long names for variable length fields
- Branches menu
- Menu options for Limit by Language
- Rules for Suppression
- Rules for Requesting
- Rules for Self Booking
- Rules for Deletion of Records
- Millennium Media Management Options

From:   Rod Crowley
Sent:   20 March 2009 16:09
To:     'This list is for current and potential users of the Innopac system'
Subject:        Innovative Load Profile & ASAA Training - Tue 21st-Thu 23rd April - City University

Dear All

Apologies for the delay but we now have confirmed details for two upcoming official Innovative training sessions - one for Load Profile and the other for Advanced Systems Access & Administration (ASAA). These sessions are scheduled for the end of next month and will be held at City University in London. The Load Profile training will be on Tue 21st-Wed 22nd April and the trainer will be Nancy Quan. The ASAA training will be held on Thu 23rd April and, for this session, the trainer will be Eva Lachonius. Both of the trainers are normally based at Innovative HQ in the States.

Prices for the training remain as previously circulated - $1500 (currently £1058) for the Load Profile training and $750 (£529) for the ASAA course. Innovative will invoice attendees directly following the training.

A number of people have already signed up for the training but there are still a small number of places still available on both courses. So if you haven't previously expressed an interest in attending these sessions but are now interested then please let me know as soon as possible as it should still be possible for you to secure a place. It would be sensible to move as quickly as possible, however, as there is a strict maximum of twelve attendees in total for each session.



Rod Crowley
Systems Team Leader
Edward Boyle Library
University of Leeds
Email: [log in to unmask]
Phone: +44 (0)113 343 5565