

A two-day workshop focused on both the basics and the current 
development in macromolecular
single crystal structure refinement techniques will be held in Prague on 
April 3-4 2009.
The workshop is organized within the TeachSG project of the EC (tightly 
connected with the project Spine2-Complexes)
to support dissemination of knowledge in the field of structural biology.

Several highly qualified speakers and tutors confirmed their 
contributions to the workshop (see the attached preliminary program).
There will be a limited number of places so hurry up if you want to be 
here in April.
The workshop is aimed at young researchers, students, PhD students, 
young post-docs (exceptions can be made if reasonably
justified). We expect a wide spectrum of "students" from beginners in 
refinement to experienced users seeking proficiency in the field.

To apply for participation, please, send an e-mail to myself (Jan 
Dohnalek, cc: [log in to unmask]) containing
a motivation letter (within the e-mail message is OK), a letter of 
support from your supervisor or head of group, and a short professional 
CV (one page).
It should be clear from your documents why participation in such 
workshop is necessary for your career.

The deadline for applications is: Tuesday 24th February 2009. The 
selected participants will be notified by e-mail within several days after
the deadline date.

The organizers provide and cover the costs of conference materials, 
refreshments during the course including lunches and a workshop dinner 
on the 3rd.
Workshop participants are asked to make their own travel arrangements 
and accommodation bookings. We are ready to give you advice on travel if 

You can contact Jan Dohnalek or Jarmila Duskova (duskova  at for more details.

Looking forward to see you in Prague,

Jan Dohnalek
IMC Prague

Mr. Jan Dohnalek, Ph.D
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Laboratory of Structural Analysis of Molecules
Heyrovskeho nam. 2
16206 Prague 6
Tel: +420 296809390
Fax: +420 296809410