


I don’t recognize these names, I’m sorry to say, so can’t help with this.

I can’t see that I have received any spam from the list, maybe it’s deleted by our server.


BTW: The sever at Phoenix Haga, has been down during this last weekend, now is back up again, apologies for any inconvenience.





From: Therapeutic Communities [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Rowdy Yates
Sent: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 8:53 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [EFTC] EFTC list members


I'm receiving daily error messages for the following list members:


F. Abbondanza (Czech Rep.)

Herman Nina (Slovenia)

G. Grandjean (Czech Rep.)

Marcello Musio (Italy)


I'd be grateful if any listmembers had information about these members. The system will auto-erase them after a set number of errors. I don't want that to happen if it is just a simple mistake. 


My apologies also about the SPAM mail sent through the list last night. I will remove the person responsible from the list. 

Rowdy Yates

Senior Research Fellow

Scottish Addiction Studies

University of Stirling



Begin forwarded message:

From: "JISCMAIL LISTSERV Server (15.0)" <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 29 October 2008 00:24:35 GMT
To: Rowdy Yates <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: THERAPEUTIC-COMMUNITIES: Daily error monitoring report

The following 4 subscribers are currently being monitored:

Err First Last  Address
--- ----- ----- -------
 3 10/24 10/27 [log in to unmask]
               Last error: 5.0.0 X-Postfix; data format error. Command output:
                           f.abbondanza: Mailbox does not exist

 1 10/28 10/28 [log in to unmask]
               Last error: 5.1.1 Mailer mailhub.SIOL.NET said: "550 Invalid
                           recipient: <[log in to unmask]>"

 1 10/27 10/27 Laurent Roessli <[log in to unmask]>
               Last error: 5.0.0 X-Postfix; data format error. Command output:
                           g.grandjean: Mailbox does not exist

 1 10/27 10/27 Marcello Musio <[log in to unmask]>
               Last error: 5.2.2 Unspecified; usually "Mailbox full"

Err=   Number of delivery errors received thus far
First= Date first delivery error was received (mm/dd)
Last=  Date of most current delivery error (mm/dd)

Subscribers will  be automatically  deleted from  the list  when delivery
errors have  been reported for a  period of 4  days or more, or  when 100
delivery errors  have been  received, whichever occurs  first. Monitoring
will cease after 5 days without any reported errors.

Note: Manually  deleted subscribers may  remain on the  monitoring report
under an alias  address. Such entries will expire eventually;  you do not
need to do anything about them.

Academic Excellence at the Heart of Scotland.
The University of Stirling is a charity registered in Scotland, number SC 011159.