

Hi Wayne,

(Backstory: I'm trying to build a standalone version of CCPNMR for 
OS X without using Fink.)

On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:29:11AM +0100, Wayne Boucher wrote:
> PS: It's possible this is down to not choosing the correct Mac
> compile-time options, but there could also be something deeper wrong,
> I'm not sure.

Yes, that was it.

If you want to build a standalone version for CCPNMR on OS X, you need
to build non-framework versions of Tcl/Tk, and then a version of
Python that links against those Tcl/Tk libraries and _not_ against the 
Aquafied Tcl/Tk libs in /usr/lib.  The only painful bit is that you have
to patch Python's in order to do that.

With those built, you can hack up to point to the proper
locations for your non-system Tcl/Tk and python, and it builds and runs

Thanks for your guidance.


Ben Eisenbraun
Structural Biology Grid                           Harvard Medical School