

Meta Analysis: a guide to calibrating and combining statistical evidence

By Elena Kulinskaya
, Stephan Morgenthaler
& Robert G. Staudte

Wiley, February 2008 ISBN: 978-0-470-02864-3 Paperback 282 pages


An approach to meta analysis and to statistical evidence developed in
this book is based on variance stabilisation. The results from different
studies are transformed to a common calibration scale, where it is
simpler to combine and interpret them.


The book is comprised of two parts - The Handbook, and The Theory. The
Handbook is a guide for combining and interpreting experimental evidence
to solve standard statistical problems. This section allows someone with
a rudimentary knowledge in general statistics to apply the methods. The
Theory provides the motivation, theory and results of simulation
experiments to justify the methodology. The book is accompanied by the
website with the suite of R functions.


The book is described at