


I am trying to compare between different models and I get bizarre results, so I just want to double check their meaning.


First when inspecting each model separately, the size of the connections rate: DCM.A, DCM.B and the posterior probability of them DCM.pA and DCM.pB  look fine. Actually all connections’ estimates are highly probable and the rates are reasonably high – so it does not seem that there was a problem with the DCM themselves or the estimation of them.


When I run the model comparison I get ‘0’ or ‘NaN’ values in the bar plots presented in the graphic interface.


This seems to be arising from line 811, where the exp is taken from the maic.


exp(maic) = [0 0 inf];


Also for the comparisons between two specific models the bf_aic and bf_bic are zeros.


Any thoughts on the matter and what does it mean will be very helpful



