

Apologies for the error in the message posted yesterday (should have read Library Review)
Call for papers for a special issue of Library Review devoted to Web 2.0,teenagers and libraries.

This issue will explore the current use of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries which serve teenagers, and consider how services might be developed future to better meet the needs of a teenage audience.  (Any examples from joint use libraries would be really interesting!)

The issue will cover initiatives in all types of libraries serving
teenagers: school, public, college, university and other information services. Contributions are welcome from researchers, library/information practitioners and other interested parties. Suggested topics include (but
are not limited to):

Involving teenagers in the design of web 2.0 services
MySpace, Facebook and other social networking sites
The use of blogs
Security and safety issues
Getting staff – and managers - onboard
Gaming - does it have a place in libraries?
Online reading groups
Podcasting - library tours and other uses
Web 2.0 approaches to information skills
Wikis and online communities.

Articles should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length. Author
guidelines are available at

If you are interested in submitting an article, please email
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I am very happy to discuss ideas for contributions. The deadline for
submission of full articles is 18th April 2008. You can download the call
for papers at

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