

Hi Dorian,
Thanks for sending the reference to the Annals of Botany on crop domestication. I downloaded the "Complex History of the Domestication of RIce which cited your 2006 article in the Journal of World Prehistory on Agric Origins and frontiers in South Asia" which would cost $36 to download from Springer Verlag. Can you email me copy for free? ALso, your 2007 article from the Old World Annals of Botany. I am so impressed with your work.
Personally, I have not done more than charcoal and seed identification lately.
Love to hear more from you.

-----Original Message-----
From: Dorian Fuller <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Sent: Mon, 29 Oct 2007 3:19 am
Subject: Annals of Botany domestication issue

Dear colleagues,

I thought I would draw your attention to a recent issue of the Annals of Botany (Vol. 100[5]) focusing on crop domestication. While most papers deal with genetic approaches, including some interesting work on the 6-row gene(s) in barley and rice, a couple also review archaeobotanical data. The whole issue is available as open access:


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