

Stranger of the Month
Part of the 2008 Next Wave Festival -

As Part of the National Young Writers' Festival 
27 Sept - 1 October 2007, Newcastle, N.S.W

collective for generating instructions for the anonymous other,
Stranger of the Month takes its cue from spy novels, self-help books
and minor acts of everyday subversion. Encouraging the infiltration of
small-scale activities and suggestions into the lives of others,
Stranger of the Month calls for your participation. 

As an
artistic interruption into the daily lives of others, the nature of the
instruction can be varied. Instructions may provide a remedy to the
doldrums of a working life, an awakening to behaviours that have become
habitual, or, they could function as a call to action, to make one
aware that 'another world is possible'. Alternatively, instructions
could operate in a more covert way, to form the beginnings of a
relationship based on a game of intrigue, mixing fantasy life with

Setting up office in Newcastle as part of the National
Young Writer's Festival, Stranger of the Month invites you to visit our
mailroom where our clerks will assist you by faxing your instruction to
unsuspecting strangers throughout Australia. Otherwise, if you are not
attending the festival, please send your instructions to curator [at] 

If you'd like to receive credit, please write your name underneath the instruction. 
To find out more, send an e-mail to [log in to unmask], or mail a letter to our postal address.

And don't forget; Expressions of Interest for Stranger of the Month are due on October 12.
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