

Dear FSLers,

I am trying to reinstall FSL with cygwin. Is the link on FSL's website to
cygwin (for Windows XP)  the correct version of cygwin to be downloaded? Or
is that link referring to the newest version of cygwin? The posted link on
FSL's website is from cygwin's December 2005 version.
If that is not the correct link, can you please tell me where I should be
obtaining the proper version of cygwin to be installing.

Also, I am not sure if anyone else has run into this problem, but here it

The installed versions of cygwin and FSL on Windows XP were apparently
working OK. That is, I was able to open cygwin and use the command lines for
FSL. Some of FSL's tools used for DTI worked fine (i.e., eddy correct and
BET). However, when I ran dtifit, it  "did something" but it did not (and
still does not) work properly, with no error messages given. By this I mean,
the FA maps were completely off, and the S0 image that dtifit produced was
not  a T2 as it should have been. We are not sure why this was happening, so
we are trying to reinstall FSL.

I look forward to hearing from you.

David Kideckel, PhD Candidate
University of Toronto
Toronto, CANADA