

Dear Colleagues

I would just like to pick up on Paul's final point

>  And we must, this time, get our political approach right. As one who saw
> senior members of the then Resource falling off their chairs with boredom as
> a senior professional explained in tiniest detail why certain parishes were
> in the 'wrong' local authority repository I'd like to think our political
> and strategic skills are better these days. The vision debate looks like an
> acid test.

The Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee will soon be issuing its
report on Caring for Our Collections which looked at museum, gallery and
archive collections and cultural property particularly with regards to
funding, acquisition and disposal, and the role of DCMS and other relevant
bodies.  The National Council on Archives is prepared to respond promptly to
the report as well as engaging Parliamentarians in discussion about the
Report's outcomes.  As part of this response the NCA would like to encourage
the profession and users to respond as well to create maximum impact at a
point when we have a concrete event on which to base advocacy activity.  I
will be informing the list when the report is available, making the NCA's
response available as soon as possible, and suggesting to whom you may like
to send your comments on the Report.


Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan
Director of Publicity and Communication
The National Council on Archives
Tel 01939 234289
Mobile 07719 609894