

I believe - my experience is - that most of the great texts of the  
different world traditions can be used as paths to discover or pursue  
wisdom. I think that's much of why they are thought to be "great" -  
and have inspired people over centuries. What "works" in any era or  
place? - an interesting discussion.

My own "practice" includes a great deal of "body-work" - yoga for 15+  
years (in a "rational" vein - I can explain!) - violin practice - and  
part of my larger study is in the context of body-mind dualism. So I  
appreciate this part of your article. How workouts "work" - a very  
good question - about which I think a good deal. (Part of being is  
being a body in gravity, which has increasing effects as we age. We  
can specify many of them.

More than reading or studying Proverbs or Lao-tze or...I find it most  
interesting to try to figure out how those thinkers thought -  
extrapolating from their times to these, and "walk" with them/their  
thinking throughout each day. I play, for example, with Nietzsche's  
"Zarathustra" living way up high both of the world, yet removed. I  
try to understand different traditions in terms of "life-paradoxes" -  
important in western thought -change vs. permanence - which we try to  
resolve, rather than deal with as complementary as do far Eastern  
thinkers. Is this all part of the pursuit of wisdom?

On May 21, 2006, at 3:24 PM, [log in to unmask] wrote:

> I am not religious but I don't believe the theme of the article can  
> be ignored in the debate?
> Bruce
> _______________________________________________________________
> Are You Getting Your Daily Dose of Wisdom?
> Between 1987 and 2001, U.S. health club memberships grew by almost  
> 90% reaching a record 33 million members nationwide. In 2003, the  
> fitness craze is still booming. Americans today belong to health  
> and fitness centers where they put their bodies through all manner  
> of exercises that would make a medieval torturer proud. And I  
> applaud them for doing so! The gleaming chrome weight machines, the  
> lap pools, the isometric stations, the stair-steppers, the medicine  
> balls, the rowing machines-I’ve almost broken a sweat just thinking  
> about all the modern ways we’ve invented to keep ourselves healthy  
> and energetic.
> Besides the psychological and emotional boost we get from a hard  
> workout, two things happen to us physically when we exercise.  
> First, our muscles are conditioned-the stretching and exertion keep  
> them toned and flexible. But second, and most important, we  
> replenish our body’s oxygen supply. Oxygen is a key element in good  
> health. In fact, it is said that over 90 percent of the nutrition  
> our body needs comes from the oxygen we breath, while less than 10  
> percent comes from the food we eat. The human body suffers more  
> seriously from a deficit of abundant, clean oxygen than it does  
> from the absence of any other substance. We can live approximately  
> 40 days without food, perhaps four days without water, but only  
> three or four minutes without oxygen.
> Just as a few simple daily regimens will keep us in top shape  
> physically, the same thing is true in the spiritual realm. I  
> discovered how true this is at a men’s retreat a number of years  
> ago. The speaker challenged us to begin a practice he said would  
> change our lives dramatically. I was ready to write down a complex  
> spiritual       formula which I was sure he must have discovered in  
> a dusty volume written by a monk in the Middle Ages. And I have to  
> admit I was initially a little disappointed at what I heard: “There  
> are 31 chapters in the book of Proverbs. I challenge you to read a  
> chapter a day each month-two chapters on one day in the months  
> having only 30 days-for the next year. Whatever the day’s date is,  
> read the corresponding chapter of Proverbs. If you do that  
> faithfully for a year, you will have read the book of Proverbs 12  
> times and your life will never be the same.”
> I remember being intrigued by the simplicity of the notion and  
> decided to accept his challenge. In fact, the results were so  
> significant the first year that I have done it more than once in  
> the years since. I was amazed at how many times I found myself in a  
> situation during the day for which I had insight (or direction or  
> a       warning) taken directly from that day’s reading in  
> Proverbs. I came to the conclusion during that period of my  
> spiritual life-a conviction I continue to hold today-that Proverbs  
> offers the simplest, yet most profound, daily spiritual “pick-me- 
> ups” to be found in all the Bible. To the degree that an apple a  
> day keeps the doctor away, a Proverb a day will keep spiritual  
> defeat away. It’s not guaranteed, but it’s one of the best places  
> to begin!
> Why is Proverbs so powerful-such an effective stimulant for  
> spiritual living? It is because each proverb provides the one thing  
> we all need in large daily doses: wisdom. But lest you think wisdom  
> is something possessed only by philosophers, professors, and  
> political sages, let’s look at what the word really means. There is  
> no more practical, down-to-earth, hands-on word in the Bible than  
> wisdom.
> Wisdom’s roots run deep into Old Testament soil. Most Hebrew verbs  
> were based on three consonants (vowels were added later). The  
> consonants h-k-m made up the foundation of the verb “be wise,” plus  
> the adjective “wise” and the noun “wisdom” (hokmah). Interestingly,  
> the word did not at first signify “wisdom,” but rather “skill.” For  
> instance, the h-k-m words were used to describe those who made the  
> high priest’s garments (Exodus 28:3), those who wove the tapestries  
> for the tabernacle (Exodus 35:35), those who piloted ships (Ezekiel  
> 27:8), those who spoke seductively (Psalm 58:5), those who carved  
> idols (Isaiah 40:20), and those who were crafty (II Samuel 13:3).  
> The concept was also used to describe skillful members of the  
> animal kingdom: ants, badgers, locusts, and spiders (Proverbs  
> 30:24-28).
> We would probably not think of any of the above people or animals  
> as wise in modern terms. But that’s because we tend to equate  
> “wisdom” with “intelligence.” If a person has a high I.Q., we  
> automatically think he must be very wise. But one can have great  
> intelligence without great wisdom, and vice versa. If the root idea  
> of wisdom is skill, then we can say that Proverbs will teach us the  
> skill of living. Just as there is skill in sewing, designing,  
> speaking, navigating, and carving, so there is skill needed for  
> living life effectively and successfully. And that is the kind of  
> wisdom the book of Proverbs offers its readers.
> Think of all the encounters you have in a week, and how many of  
> them require skillful navigation. You need direction for a big  
> decision; you’re confronted by an angry co-worker; immorality steps  
> into your path as a temptation; you receive an unexpected financial  
> windfall; your child is testing the limits of discipline; there’s  
> tension in your marriage; a close friend is devastated by a  
> personal tragedy. Those situations, and hundreds more we could  
> list, require skill-and they happen every day. Not a day goes by in  
> which we don’t feel hesitant, even confused, about how to act. Pure  
> and simple, we need wisdom-the skill of living life. And there are  
> numerous verses in Proverbs which address every category of crisis  
> we will ever face.
> Fortunately, wisdom from God is just a prayer away. The book in the  
> New Testament most like Proverbs is James. The hands-on nature of  
> James mirrors its Old Testament cousin. And James is the one who  
> tells us, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who  
> gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given  
> to him” (James 1:5).
> The author of Proverbs, King Solomon, gained the wisdom to write  
> more than 3,000 proverbs the same way James advises us to get it:  
> by asking God (I Kings 4:32). When Solomon succeeded his father  
> David as king over Israel, God presented Solomon with a blank  
> check: “Ask! What shall I give you?” (see the story in I Kings 3).  
> Understandably, twenty year-old Solomon’s knees were knocking at  
> the prospect of being king. So instead of asking for riches and  
> long life, he asked God for wisdom, and God was true to His word:  
> “I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has  
> not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise  
> after you.” (And as a bonus, Solomon received riches and honor too;  
> verse 13.)
> Word of Solomon’s wisdom spread far and wide throughout the  
> nations. He wrote proverbs, composed songs (e.g., the Song of  
> Solomon), and taught about botany, agronomy, zoology, and all  
> facets of nature. Kings from the surrounding nations sent their  
> officials to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and some rulers made the  
> trip themselves-like the Queen of Sheba who journeyed from Africa  
> (I Kings 4:29-34; 10:1-10).
> For specific wisdom in unique situations, we may not have because  
> we have not asked (James 4:2). But in many more of life’s  
> situations, we may lack wisdom because we haven’t poured over the  
> proverbs of Solomon. I invite you to take up the challenge I  
> accepted-a challenge which changed my life. Check today’s date,  
> read the corresponding chapter of Proverbs, and keep it up for a  
> year. I believe you’ll be amazed how something so simple can  
> energize your spiritual life-and give you needed skill for living.  
> Get ready for 31 days to a more powerful you!
> by Dr. David Jeremiah
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