

On Mon, 20 Mar 2006, Murali Vadivelu wrote:

> I deassigned a set of peaks assigned to a residue in the sequence. When I 
> tried to assign a different set of peaks to the residue that is now clear of 
> assignments, I am unable to assign the peak to the same residue and the 
> residue appears shaded/ darkened (indicating an assigned status?) in the 
> 'edit assignment' popup.
> How do I do this? I am not sure!

If you plain deasigned the peaks, i.e. stripped all assignments from them, 
then the resonances will still be there.  In the Browse Resonances popup 
do Delete orphans.

If you have a set of peaks that you have mis-assigned, but still believe 
to be associated with a single spin system, then the more "correct" thing 
to have done within the analysis way of thinking about the data would have 
been to just break the spin system -> residue assignment.

Dr. Brian O. Smith ---------------------- B Smith at bio gla ac uk
           Division of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology,
               Institute Biomedical & Life Sciences,
Joseph Black Building, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK.
Tel: 0141 330 5167/6459/3089                    Fax: 0141 330 8640