

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

BCS-FACS Evening Seminar Series  -- Joint Event with BCSWomen Specialist 

            Design verification for control engineering

                  Professor Ursula Martin

                Queen Mary University of London

                     9 November 2006
                     5.45pm start

                BCS London Offices
                First Floor,
                The Davidson Building
                5 Southampton Street
                London WC2E 7HA

In the first part of this talk I'll introduce control engineering as a 
new domain of application for
formal methods. I'll discuss design verification, drawing attention to 
the role played by diagrammatic
evaluation criteria involving numeric plots of a design, such as Nichols 
and Bode plots. I'll show that
symbolic computation and computational logic can be used to discharge 
these criteria and provide
symbolic, automated, and very general alternatives to these standard 
numeric tests, and  illustrate our
work with reference to a standard reference model drawn from military 

At the heart of this work is the observation that control systems based 
on linear differential equations
exhibit "program-like" phenomena such as loops and sequential 
composition, which allows the development
of a Hoare-style  logic. While trying to understand this phenomenon we 
hit upon a new abstract presentation
of Hoare Logic based on categories with feedback, which can also be used 
to capture  extensions of the
standard Hoare logic for while programs, e.g. the extension with pointer 
manipulations via separation logic.


Richard Boulton, Hanne Gottliebsen, Ruth Hardy, Tom Kelsey & Ursula 
Martin, "Design Verification for Control Engineering." in Integrated 
Formal Methods, 4th International Conference, IFM 2004, Canterbury, UK, 
April 4-7, 2004, Lecture Notes in Computer Science vol 2999, pp. 21-35, 
Springer 2004.

Ursula Martin, Erik Mathiesen and Paulo Oliva, Hoare Logic in the 
abstract, Proceedings of Computer Science Logic Conference 2006. Lecture 
Notes in Computer Science vol 4207, 2006, pages 501-515, Springer 2006

Refreshments will be served from 5.15pm

The seminar is free of charge and open to everyone. If you would like to 
attend, please email
Paul Boca [[log in to unmask]] your name by 6 Nov 2006. 
Pre-registration is required,
as security at the BCS Offices is tight.

Location of the venue:

FACS Evening Seminars:

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