

Brinkkemper, Otto schrieb:

> Dear colleagues,
> In several, a.o. bandkeramik samples, black seeds of Veronica 
> hederifolia occur, that only after cutting through show that they are 
> subrecent, with white endosperm still present. I remember having read 
> a cautionary remark for this taxon (which seems more or less 
> carbonized in subrecent state) anywhere, but I am unable to trace it. 
> Can anyone of you provide me with relevant literature?
> Many thanks in advance,
> oTTo
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Dear Otto,

I realized the same for Bandkeramik (and younger) sites, the finds are 
allways recent, which is surprizing as it is such a common weed here 
today .
It is the same problem as with Chenopodium album, which alike often must 
be destroyed to be sure it's charred.

best wishes (and Helau) from Wiesbaden


Dr. Angela Kreuz
Archäologische und Paläontologische Denkmalpflege
des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege Hessen
Sachgebiet Naturwissenschaften
Schloß Biebrich/Ostflügel
D-65203 Wiesbaden
Tel. 0049/(0)611-6906-213
Fax                              -216
homepage Landesamt