

I worked a 1:2 for 7 years with a series of absentee landlords, many of 
whom frankly took the p*ss - I remember one particular charmer who asked 
if I minded covering Thursday night. The rota was M/Th one week, T/W/F/S/S 
the other. He left thing Tuesday morning and returned the following 
Monday! I made him take it as A/L - well it was deducted from his 

This was in the days of the old contract, and one of the reasons I left 
was that a dermatologist 10 years older than me could be taking home half 
as much again with no on-call...

To answer the question, people coming through the ranks now simply will 
not look at a 1:2, so you have to look at a better rate. The catch with 
most rotas is of course that you are expected to do internal cover, which 
turns a 1:3 into a 1:2.4 or so. There comes a minimum staffing, however 
small the department, and I am inclined to agree with Adrian on 1:4.
