

On Wed, 16 Feb 2005 14:22:31 -0000, Muiris Mag Ualghairg
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> **Deep computing** is the ability to perform lots of complex calculations on
> massive amounts of data, and integral to this concept is supercomputing.

Neu, o'r dudalen
"Deep computing delivers powerful solutions to customers' most
challenging and complex problems, enabling businesses and researchers
to get results faster and realize a competitive advantage."
Pobl marchnata yn cael eu talu fesul gair?

Un peth y dylwn son amdano yw 'Grid computing', ffurf ar brosesu
paralel, ond sy'n defnyddio rhif sgwar o gyfrifiaduron (4 = 2x2, 9 =
3x3 a.y.b.) O fewn y grid, mae gan unrhyw gyfrifiadur unigol yr hawl i
ddweud "Sori - rwy'n rhy fisi i weithio ar dy broblem di ar hyn o
bryd," a thaflu'r dasg ymlaen i'r cyfrifiadur nesaf. Felly dyna chi
gysyniad arall sy'n mochel dan ambarel y term 'Deep Computing'.

Ew, mae'r neges hon yn well na'r un dabled cysgu...
