

Lawrence Upton wrote:

>>.So this selfish bastard--yes, for what is suicide but a "fuck you"
>gesture to people who love and care for you?
>It is a lot of things else, Ken; and I doubt anyone who has ever been near to suicide would say what you have said - as with your use of "execute" earlier you are asserting assumptions as unproblematic facts
Since tempers are flaring here and someone is likely to say some things
that can't be fixed, let's keep this brief.

I have known two attempted suicides and one who was successful.  One of
the attempteds I used to sleep with.  I was married to the sister of the
other attempter.  The success deliberately gave herself a "hot shot" of
heroin in 1973 and her brother made the sincere promise to kill anyone
from her past--including her ex-husband--who showed up at the funeral.
So please don't tell me what I do and do not know about the attitude and
effects here unless you are speaking from direct knowledge you are
willing to share.  I saw the effect on the families.  I am seeing them
now.  Yes, there is more than a dismissive attitude on the part of the
would-be suicide, there is desperation and hopelessness--but there also
appears to be a disregard for the consequences of his (or her) act on
the people who remain behind.

Perhaps my ex and my older son, both of whom lived with him for a year,
ought to have seen what was going on and did some sort of
"intervention"; but that is hard to do when you see the person every day
and don't quite take in the subtle decline.  Whether or not my
brother-in-law dies, the repair work to fix what was broken will be
extensive and perhaps impossible to handle.  Stephen shattered lives.
This is not Masada.

Note via the reply-to that I would prefer to take this conversation
private, if conversation there must be.  Right now I'm sorry I ever
brought it up.


Kenneth Wolman
Proposal Development Department
Room SW334
Sarnoff Corporation