

Hi there - this sounds like a problem that came up once before:

In this case there were two problems.
1) The bvecs and bvals files were made in microsoft tools, so they had
spurious microsoft carriage returns (^M) in them.

2) There was no carriage return at the end of bvals

If neither of these is the problem, then I'd be happy to take a quick look
at the data, if you tar it up and put it on the web.



Tim Behrens
Centre for Functional MRI of the Brain
The John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way Oxford OX3 9DU
Oxford University
Work 01865 222782
Mobile 07980 884537

On Thu, 25 Nov 2004, Susan Kouloyan-Ilic wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm relatively new to FSL.  I'm having trouble with both DTIfit and
> Bedpost.  Firstly, when I run DTIfit, I get no pictures, apart from the
> SO.  It is just black, and comes up with a 0 to 0 brightness range, with
> no effect if I alter the numbers to 0 to 1.  The S0 comes up as an
> anatomical looking picture.  The same thing happens regardless of the
> numbers I use in bvecs/bvals, as long as there are in the correct format.
> When I run bedpost, I end up with a mostly blue brain (range 0 to 1), with
> scattered coloured pixels, but not what I would expect! Bedpost_datacheck
> goes through without problems, and bvecs is normalised.  This is
> regardless of whether I eddycorrect or not.
> Any suggestions?  I'm stumped.
> Thanks,
> Susan