

Hi Mark,

Is there anyway to script this process for registration on multiple volumes?
Another registration option I guess would be take the small FOV reference
image and pad it in such a way as to keep the same voxel size but increase
the FOV? Is this a sensible approach?




On 11 Nov 2004, at 22:01, Brad Buchsbaum wrote:

> I'm using Flirt to align a low resolution EPI image --> high resolution
> anatomical --> standard brain (avg152_brain)
> all three of these images have a different field of view. When Flirt
> resamples images, the default is to use the FOV of the reference image.
> In my case, I want to retain the FOV of the EPI(64X64X24,
> 3.75X3.75X3.75).
> There is an option for Flirt to use a different reference image for
> reslicing, but if this image has a larger FOV than the original
> reference
> image, the resulting resliced images are off-center (presumably because
> the origin is taken as the upper-left voxel). Is there a way for Flirt
> to
> reslice so that the origin is taken as the center voxel for both the
> input
> and reference images?
> thanks,
> Brad Buchsbaum