

I noticed in a recent broadcast of the 'Ancestors' programme on BBC2 that
the use of white linen gloves was very much in force at the National
Archives. Over the years I have seen a number of television programmes
featuring various record offices where the obligatory white gloves are
usually in evidence, and I wonder if their use is widespread.
A number of questions come to mind :
1. Use restricted to 'treasures' or all old original material
2. Choice of glove material
3. Laundering or disposal after use
3. Reduction in manual dexterity due wearing gloves contributing to rougher
Any views on the practicalities involved for record staff or readers would
be appreciated. It would be interesting to know of any record offices where
gloves are extensively used.
Paul F Mason

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Deellir na fydd unrhyw safbwyntiau, na chynghorion, na
chasgliadau nac unrhyw wybodaeth arall yn y neges hon,
nad ydynt yn berthnasol i waith swyddogol
Cyngor Sir y Fflint, yn cael eu cynnig na'u cadarnhau ganddo
nac ar ei ran, ac felly ni fydd Cyngor Sir y Fflint yn derbyn
unrhyw gyfrifoldeb am y rhannau hynny o'r neges.