

Getting the picture: accessing and using moving images and sound
for HE and FE
A one-day workshop from ALT

Date: 27 June 2003
Time: 1000 -1600
Venue: Glasgow Caledonian University

Cost: Stlg 80 (ALT members), stlg 130 (non-members)
Booking deadline: 13 June 2003

The increasing development of moving pictures and sound (also
known as time-based media) through digital libraries, collections,
custom-designed and built solutions as well as in-house
productions, promises an exciting opportunity to integrate time-
based media into mainstream elearning. It is essential to
understand the users' experiences and requirements, and the
issues and barriers preventing its use through research and
evaluation. The purpose of the workshop is to explore collectively
the pedagogic potential of using video and audio, and to investigate
how best we can enhance access and provide services to support
the use of these resources in HE and FE. The workshop will
include case studies, examples of the use of video in Health and
Sports Sciences and audio collections of traditional Scottish
music, as well as JISC current thinking, strategies and plans for
time-based media content development and delivery through a new

Topics to be covered:
The workshop will cover a range of themes including:
* Users experiences of using and developing time-based media
* The educational value of moving pictures and sound
* The students' experiences of using video and audio
* Users' requirements for a time-based media Portal
* JISC current thinking on Portal development

Note this not a technical 'How to' workshop.

Expected outcomes:
The delegates will be able to engage actively with the presenters'
research and practical experiences of using, developing and
managing time-based media resources. The expected outcomes
* to increase the awareness of the pedagogical potential for using
moving images and sound in HE and FE
* to identify the needs and requirements from the users for the
provision and development of time-based media collections and
* to provide an opportunity for sharing practice and user community

Who should attend:
The workshop will be particularly useful for teaching staff, users,
researchers, practitioners and developers, with an interest in the
use and provision of moving images and sound for HE and FE.

10.00 Registration and welcoming
10.20 Introduction to the workshop themes and presenters
10.25 Chris Awre
'Enabling Discovery: JISC Portals Development and Time-Based
10.50 Mireia Asensio
'Users experiences of Using Moving Pictures and Sound in HE and
11.15 Coffee Break
11,30 Stevie Barrett
'Using HOTBED - an innovative Resource for Traditional Music L&T'
11.55 Valerie Cooper
'Using Videos in Health Sciences Teaching and Learning'
12.20 Jeremy Atkinson
'JISC Strategies for Time-Based Media Content Development and
12.45- 1.30 Buffet lunch
13:30 Group activity: Delegates will be asked to collectively
brainstorm in groups and generate ideas around the workshop
themes including:
* pedagogic arguments for using video
* user requirements for a time-based media Portal
* relationships between still images and moving images collections
* enhancing access
* content development and delivery
* supporting access and user community building
This will be a one-hour session led by the speakers as facilitators
with an opportunity to feedback on the discussions after the break
14.45 Coffee break
15.00 Facilitators for each theme will give a short report back to the
 whole audience
15.30 What next? Suggestions,  initiatives and closure
16.00 Close

About the presenters:
Chris Awre , Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC).
Chris Awre will describe the background to JISC Portal
developments, review current activity, and place thinking about a
time-based media portal in context.

Mireia Asensio, CSALT, Educational Research, Lancaster
Mireia Asensio will review users' experiences of discovering,
developing and using video and audio, and the main barriers
preventing its use. This presentation will also describe the main
users' requirements for a new Portal.

Stevie Barrett, RSAMD, Glasgow University.
Stevie Barrett will introduce HOTBED a custom-designed and built
solution for traditional Scottish musicians at the Royal Scottish
Academy for Music and Drama. He will focus on the usage,
development of the system, and the pedagogic uses and potentials
of using audio for learning and teaching

Valerie Cooper, School of Health Sciences , Robert Gordon
Valerie Cooper will show examples of video clips for the
Physiotherapy and Sports and Exercise Science courses. She will
focus on the integration of these videos into the courses, and the
ongoing evaluation that has raised a number of important issues
and dilemmas to be considered when using video for learning and

Jeremy Atkinson, Learning Resources, The University of
Glamorgan and Chair of JISC's Moving Pictures & Sound Working
Jeremy Atkinson will present an overview of JISC's strategies and
plans for time-based media content development and delivery. This
will include acquisition of materials (including right clearance),
provision of services and outcomes of the moving image and sound
projects funded under the JISC Learning and Teaching Programme.

For more information on this or other ALT events please email
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This workshop will be held at Glasgow Caledonian University

Travel and accommodation:
For directions to the university, please visit

For your information, there will be a conference at GCU on the
same day as the workshop and the building is likely to be busy!
We suggest that if delegates need to book accommodation, they
do so fairly quickly as local hotels might be in high demand.

Please note that it is the responsibility of delegates to arrange
their own accommodation.

Getting the picture: accessing and using moving images and sound
for HE and FE
A one-day workshop from ALT

Date: 27 June 2003
Time: 1000 -1600
Venue: Glasgow Caledonian University

Cost: Stlg 80 (ALT members), stlg 130 (non-members)
Booking deadline: Friday, 13 June 2003

Name: ____________________________________________

Department: _______________________________________

Institution: ________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________


Postcode: _________________________

Tel: ______________________________

Fax: ______________________________

Email: ____________________________________________

Please indicate membership status:
Individual / Institutional / Corporate

___ Please send me ALT membership details

Please indicate any special dietary or physical requirements:


ALT will maintain the data you supply in keeping with the UK Data
Protection Act.  All delegates will receive a list of participants,
including name, organisation and email address.  Tick here if you
do not wish to be included on that list. __


a) I enclose a cheque for stlg _______ made payable to the
Association for Learning Technology and drawn on a UK bank

b) Debit stlg _________ from my Visa/Mastercard

Account no: ______  ______  _______  ______

Expiry date: ___ /___

Cardholder's name: ___________________________

Cardholder's address: _____________________________


Signed: ________________________        Date: __________

c) Please invoice against purchase order number ____________

Please note that bookings will only be confirmed on receipt of
payment.  Payment will be refunded if notification is made in writing
by Friday, 13 June 2003.  An administration charge of £20 will be
made.  No refunds will be payable after this date, but substitutions
(confirmed in writing) will be accepted.

Please complete the booking form & return it NO LATER than
Friday, 13 June 2003 to:
ALT Administration, Oxford Brookes University,
Headington, OXFORD OX3 0BP, UK.
Fax: 01865 484165
Email: [log in to unmask]

While great care is taken to provide accurate and helpful
information and advice at this workshop, ALT cannot accept any
responsibility for any losses subsequently incurred. Participants are
expected to check all essential information and seek professional or
expert advice as appropriate to specific circumstances.

Registered Charity Number 1063519

Association for Learning Technology
Oxford Brookes University
Headington, Oxford OX3 0BP, UK
Tel: +44 (0)1865 484125  Fax: +44 (0)1865 484165
Email: [log in to unmask]

Registered Charity Number 1063519

ALT-C 2003, 8-10 September 2003, Sheffield, UK.