


> Robin wrote >chasing the ghost of dry knockers< ~ wonderful Robin, this is
> magnificent phrase & should enter the language forthwith & posthaste.

Yeah, yeah, sweeten me up -- still doesn't make up for the life I lost
getting finger-cuts from obscure editions of Patridge trying to track a
non-existent locution.

> I like very much your "Heroes" Villon paraphrase or homage

I'm not sure which it is -- the neutral term is "englishing".  Takes off
from Ballade of the Men of Olden Times, which frankly in the original French
is so utter crap that I felt quite justified in ripping it apart and
rewriting it.

Like a lot of my Villon "translations", this came out in a block in _Envoi_
a year or so ago.  (End of blurb.)

> (which I missed
> at first as it was hidden at the end of a long mail)

My second name is oblique ...

> so am looking forward
> to "Margot" ~ PULEAZE DON'T tear it up.

Oh don't WORRY sonny jim, this is going to be rammed down your throat.  The
rest of the list may be spared it, but you, my son ...

<evil chuckle>

Aelfic the Bicycle Cruisader.