

Please find listed below, the list of dates for the remainder of the Waste
Seminar Series, along with a brief explanation of their content.

Thursday 20 March 2003  The Regulation of Waste
Thursday 26 June 2003 The Landfill Directive
Thursday 18 September 2003 Social Attitudes to Managing Waste
Wednesday 3 December 2003 Planning for Waste
Thursday 18 March 2004 Consumers and Supply Chains
Thursday 24 June 2004 Communication and Commitment

These seminars each have a brief explanation below

The Regulation of Waste
This seminar will examine the problems posed by traditional models of 'command
and control' in authorizing and licensing waste handling and disposal. It will
look at the interplay between technical and legal understandings such as waste
definitions, classification, exemptions and the like.

The Landfill Directive
The series coincides with the introduction of a new regime of waste management
under the EU Landfill Directive, allowing an impact study of the regime which
can address problems of site conditioning, alternatives to co-disposal, and
problems of threshold standards for hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Social Attitudes to Managing Waste
This seminar investigates the public perception of waste management, and the
causal links between social behaviours, public awareness and the understanding
of scientific and technical solutions to waste disposal. It compares these
attitudes across a range of European regions, across socio-economic class and
evaluates the acceptance of science as the remediator of environmental ills.

Planning for Waste
The incineration option for waste disposal is widely debated in the UK. The
seminar investigates the science behind incineration and reflects on the
generally hostile response of local communities and planning authorities to
incineration sites. It raises significant questions of how the planning system
addresses issues not merely of risk, but also  the perception of that risk.

Consumers and Supply Chains
This seminar addresses one of the key questions facing society in managing its
wastes ~ the acceptance of responsibility for the generation, handling and
disposal of waste. It will look at the technical constraints on packaging
and reuse and the response of the individual consumer to strategies designed
make the individual more responsible for the ways in which waste is created
disposed of.

Communication and Commitment
This seminar investigates the ways in which stakeholders including businesses,
environmental groups, NGOs, public agencies, communities and individual
consumers are encouraged to participate in addressing waste management issues.
It will also consider the ways in which communication and the transfer of
knowledge to stakeholders can be crucial in determining commitment.

If you would like to register for any of the above seminars, please either
phone  029 20 876562, or e mail [log in to unmask]