

A nursing colleague has asked for help with this question:
Is the adoption of self rostering system run by the nursing team, instead of
the usual management, a feasible and wothwhile exercise?

All team members  would be trained to make rotas, a politically sensitive task
at times, usually left to v expensive higher staff. The hypothesis is that it
is more empowering and less stressful if the team takes control rather than
accepting what is handed down..

There is little literature but lots of opinion on this. It sounded to me like
a possible action research project. I also wonder whether it could be triangulated
with an instrument that taps into job satisfaction for nurses - does anyone
know of one?

If it is a good bet for an action research design, would one be best to stick
to working with one ward ( in fact three are 'available' with management in
support on this), I suspect one is enough but would appreciate views.

Kyran Farrell