

Hi, Marjorie; I just happened to have read about this last night! According to Ælfric's Homily on the Four Evangelists, Ezekiel had a vision, wherein he saw four beasts, one in the appearance of a man, one like a lion, one like a calf/bull, and one like an eagle.
These became associated with the Evangelists because:
Matthew gets the Man's likeness because 'he began his Gospel about Christ's humanity'
Mark gets the Lion's likeness because 'he cried with a loud sound, even as the lion roars'
Luke gets the Calf's likeness 'from the priest Zacharias because people offered in the old fashion a calf for slaughter'
John gets the Eagle's likeness because eagles have keen vision and he 'beheld wisely how he might best write about God.

I am loosely citing from the EETS version of the Homilies, translated by Skeat. If you are interested in having the Old English, let me know.

Hope this helps!