

Dear Tom,

There are 22 wall paintings in medieval Danish churches dating between
1325-1542, Most between 1459-1525.

The is one interesting point, there are two kinds of devils involved in
carrying sinners into the hell mouth. I call one the <Christian devil>
because this is the familiar form. The other, I suggest is the heathen god
<Cerrounos>, the god of the woods, the <shape changer>.

This figure has an antlered stags head, and carries the sinners in a
woodsman's basket.

The <W. O. Hassell, ed. Holkham Bible Picture Book. London: Dropmore Press,
1954. page 42v> shows sinners going into Hell. Two are going <to Hell in a
wheelbarrow>, a theme repeated in several Danish churches.

Up to 1990, there was only one mention of this image in <Danmarks kirker> a
work in progress which is an inventory of every church in Denmark.

That is in Helsingoer, St. Marie, II-382, 67, 80. Torments of the Damned,
plate, engraved, paten. 1333. In National Museum. Called the Parisian set.

Good hunting, Jim