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JACKMAN, Graham (Ed.)
Amsterdam/Atlanta, GA, 2000 306 pp.
Hb: 90-420-1492-X Hfl. 150 / US$ 64
Pb: 90-420-1482-2 Hfl. 50 / US$ 21

German Monitor 51

Unlike many writers from the former GDR, Christoph Hein's
reputation and standing - and his creativity - have remained intact
despite the demise of the GDR in 1989-90. Christoph Hein in
Perspective brings together essays by both established and
younger scholars from Britain, Germany and the USA which
together cover a wide spectrum of his work, from the early writings
of the 1970s to the play In Acht und Bann of 1999 and including his
speeches and essays as well as all his major prose works. There is
a marked emphasis in the volume on Hein's post-Wende output,
with about half the contributions focusing primarily on this period.
Another feature is the diversity of perspectives from which the works
are examined: historical and political viewpoints are complemented
by formal and comparative studies as well as by gender-based
perspectives. The volume includes additionally the first published
English translation of what is for many Hein's most successful work
for the stage, Die wahre Geschichte des Ah Q of 1983 (‘The True
Story of Ah Q'). The volume as a whole should be of interest to
scholars concerned with the GDR and with contemporary German
culture, to undergraduate and postgraduate students, and also the
others interested in the history and culture of Germany since 1945.
Six of the essays are in English and six in German.

Table of Contents:
Graham JACKMAN: Introduction.
Detlef GWOSC: ‘...unstrittig ist die Schädlichkeit der Literatur und
des Lesens'. Der Publizist und Redner Christoph Hein.
David CLARKE: ‘Himmel auf Erden'? Christoph Hein, Capitalism and
the ‘Wende'.
Phil McKNIGHT: History and GDR Literature. Reflections on the Mid-
1950s: Mankurt, Horn and Horns Ende.
Owen EVANS: Hope for the Future? Günter de Bruyn's Neue
Herrlichkeit and Christoph Hein's Der Tangospieler.
Hilary MIMPRISS: ‘Ohne Hoffnung können wir nicht leben' Christoph
Hein's Use of Religious Motifs as an Expression of Resignation and
Ursula ELSNER: Stark, sinnlich, gut - Frauengestalten bei
Christoph Hein.
Helen L. JONES: ‘Real Existing Socialism' and its Misogynistic
Consequences. The Male Protagonist in Literary Works by
Christoph Hein, Milan Kundera and Richard Wagner.
Terry ALBRECHT: Der kalkulierte Zufall als Provokation gegen
Recht und Erinnerung in Christoph Heins Roman Das Napoleon-
Bernd FISCHER: Christoph Heins kleine Prosa. Von Allem Anfang
an und Exekution eines Kalbes.
Graham JACKMAN: Von Allem Anfang an A ‘Portrait of the Artist as
a Young Man'?
Silke FLEGEL: Vor der Tafelrunde. Christoph Hein als
Bill NIVEN: Christoph Heins In Acht und Bann oder Die
Christoph HEIN: The True Story of Ah Q. After Lu Xun. Introduction:
Seán Allan. Translation: Seán Allan and Ralph Manheim.
Notes on Contributors.