

Dear All

<<<< Apologies for any cross-posting >>>>

The following   interactive e-mail discussion lists might be of interest
to you:
Thank you for joining us.
Please feel free to forward this message to other friends and colleagues
interested in this forum.


 It is our pleasure to invite you to join  the CLIMATECONCERN  wordwide
electronic discussion list. Climateconcern is a worldwide interactive
forum for scientific and policy debate, collaboration,  networking,
sharing ideas, experiences and information relating to global climate
change issues, climate prediction processes and determination of human
influence on climate and  assessment of the  social and economic factors
that drive climate change including greenhouse  gas emissions, their
effects on the biosphere/climate, and their consequent effects on
economics and society.

It is open to all who have an interest in research / academic and
campaign  in climate change and related issues including ozone
depletion, desertification ,etc. The list  will also highlight news and
comments surrounding the Framework Convention on Climate  Change and
will address the methodological, scientific,technological and policy
aspects of the  Convention process.

To join the group, simply send a blank e-mail
to:[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:

List owner: [log in to unmask]

The PHYTOMEDICA forum is a worldwide   discussion e-maili discusion
list on
phytomedicine and healing plants.

The purpose of this list is to provide a forum for debate,
collaboration, networking and information exchange and dissemination on
people, issues, policies, practices, possibilities, problems,
perspectives, activities, case studies and R&D relating to medicinal and
aromatic plants,
ethnomedicine, ethnopharmacology, phytomedicines , phytotherapy,
alternative and complementary medicine , natural medicines, traditional
medicine  and healing.

To join, simply send a blank e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:

List owner:  [log in to unmask]

This forum was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on the occasion of the
Conference of Parties (COP-5) to the  Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
held at UNEP Headquarters  on 15-26 May  2000 and of the International
conference on medicinal plants and traditional medicine and local
communities: challenges and opportunities for the new millennium, which
was held parallel to COP-5/CBD in Nairobi, on 16-19  May 2000

The Forestryforum group is a worldwide e-mailing list on forestry and
forests  including  relating R&D and socio-economic aspects .

This forum was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on the occasion of the
Conference of Parties (COP-5) to the  Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
held at UNEP Headquarters  on 15-26 May  2000.

To join, please simply send a blank e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:
List owner: [log in to unmask]



The BIOMONITOR group is an interactive e-mailing list on Biodiversity
and Biotechnology.
This is a worldwide interactive forum for debate, collaboration, and
networking devoted to the exchange of information, ideas and experiences
on issues and trends  relating to sustainable use, management  and
conservation of  the world’s biological diversity resources.

This forum was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on the occasion of the
Conference of Parties (COP-5) to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
held at UNEP Headquarters on 15-26 May 2000.

To join the group, simply send a blank e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:
List owner: [log in to unmask]

The Tourism Tourism Forum or GREENTOUR is an interactive forum for
discussion, collaboration and networking aimed at exchanging
information, experiences and ideas on people, issues, policies,
possibilities, problems, perspectives, activities, case studies,
practices ,opportunities and options, R&D and socio-economic and
cultural aspects relating to  ecotourism and to sustainable adventure
travel, sustainable tourism , tourism marketing and industry, etc. It
will contribute to
increase awareness for anyone interested in becoming a more
environmentally responsible traveller or tour operator.

This forum was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on the occasion of the
Conference of Parties (COP-5) to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
held at UNEP Headquarters on 15-26 May 2000.

To join the group, simply send a blank e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:
List owner: [log in to unmask]


Dear Colleague,

It is our pleasure to welcome you to the ConserveAfrica  e-mail
interactive  discussion list.

This is an interactive forum for discussion, collaboration and
networking devoted for exchange of information, ideas and experiences on
sustainable use, management and conservation of Africa natural resources
and environment. This list will contribute to facilitate exchange of
information on environmental issues and concerns with focus on the
African region, and raising environmental awareness in general.

Contributions from international organisations, NGOs and individuals in
or outside Africa working on environment and sustainable development
issues pertaining to Africa are particularly welcome.

This forum was launched in Nairobi, Kenya on the occasion of the
Conference of Parties (COP-5) to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)
held at UNEP Headquarters  on 15-26 May  2000.

To join the group, simply send a blank e-mail to:
[log in to unmask]

If you need to contact the list Owner, send queries/problems:
List owner:  [log in to unmask]

Please feel free to forward this message to other friends and colleagues
interested in this debate.

Thank you for joining us.

 Moderator, ConserveAfrica
