

Dear Lis-mappers,

For those of you who do not subscribe to "Cycle Touring and 
Campaigning", you may find the following extracts from a map 
review of interest. Chris Juden has commented at length on "O/S 
Touring maps of Cornwall and Devon: Tried and Tested" - his 
views may seem somewhat Oliveresque to many lis-maps regulars!

With best wishes,

"For the first time since 1979, the Ordnance Survey has 
produced a new map on a suitable scale for cycling (i.e. 
between 1 to 100 and 150 thousand.....) .... "

"Could this be a first glimpse of that holy grail of British 
cyclists, a national series to plug the yawning gap between 50k 
Landranger and 250k Travelmaster? I'm afraid not.
I have never been more disappointed upon opening a map. What I 
saw is little more than a blown-up Travelmaster. In one respect 
it's even less: Travelmaster minus contours, leaving only 
height colours at wide and irregular intervals.
You've heard the expression dumbing down? Here it is, writ 
large, with a map designed to be read with half of one eye at 
Although there's more than six times as much space for it, I 
struggled to find any extra information compared to 

"... this 'Touring' product does not claim to be any sort of 
cycling map. Rightly so. It's yet another for the filling 
station counter. A sad thing that does not encourage personal 
discovery of the county even by car-borne visitors, but 
perpetuates honey-pot tourism by delivering hapless grockles to 
industrially organised attractions. Between these attractions 
is a blank: a place where cartographers of old inscribed "here 
be dragons". ......

"For three decades CTC [Cyclists' Touring Club] has been asking 
Ordnance Survey to fill the corresponding gap in their range. 
If this is their answer I won't buy it and hope that neither 
will others. For if these maps sell it's possible they'll make 
more of the same and cyclists will never get a decent national 
series at this scale. If you think that's important you'd all 
better write and tell the Director General, Ordnance Survey, 
Romsey Road, Southampton, SO16 4GU." 


Nick Millea
Map Librarian, Bodleian Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG
tel       : 01865 277013
fax      : 01865 277139
email : [log in to unmask]

