

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang2057{\fonttbl {\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}} \uc1\pard\b\f0\fs20 JUNIOR AND SENIOR DATA SCIENTISTS\b0\par \par Unilever is one of the largest consumer goods companies in the world. Our brands include \par Persil washing tablets, Magnum ice-cream, Calvin Klein cosmetics and Brooke Bond Tea to \par name a few. Unilever Research supports and helps to drive the global business formed by \par these brands with world-class fundamental science, research and innovation.\par \par At our Colworth laboratory in North Bedfordshire, the Data Sciences group is an integral \par component of the local and global research effort and is part of a growing network of \par mathematical and statistical modelling groups across Unilever Research. Our group \par member's roles vary greatly, ranging from one-off analyses through to becoming part of an \par innovation or science project team from its inception to completion. The problems we tackle \par cover a wide variety of science areas and applications and include design and analysis of \par laboratory and pilot-plant experiments, clinical (physiological and psychological) trials, \par environmental and safety studies, risk assessment and strategic decision analyses. \par Methodology development and improvement is also a vital part of our role, as is providing \par training to scientists.\par \par We are currently looking to recruit both junior and senior Data Scientists who enjoy a \par challenge and aren't looking for a run-of-the-mill data analysis career. Ideally, you'll have a \par good mathematically or statistically-based degree and a proven ability, preferably through \par post-graduate employment or a Masters degree or Ph.D., of applying and adapting your \par knowledge to solving real-world problems. You'll be enthusiastic, creative, self-motivated \par and able to work in teams from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines. As part of the \par variety inherent in the role of a Data Scientist, you'll need to be able to grasp scientific \par concepts and problems quickly, so a sound knowledge of general science would be an \par advantage. You'll also need exceptional communication skills and be able to discuss \par methodological issues at a level appropriate for both experts and non-experts in Research and \par the business. Good IT skills are also essential and experience with a major maths or statistics \par package such as SAS would be desirable, although full training will be given where \par appropriate.\par \par Applications from graduates and post-graduates involved in mathematical approaches to \par adaptive computation, information theory or data mining are also welcome. \par \par For an informal chat or more information, please contact Andrea Dickens on 01234 222228 or \par email: [log in to unmask] \par \par If you are interested in a career in Unilever Research, and you have excellent communication \par and interpersonal skills, please send your curriculum vitae and covering letter quoting \par Vacancy Reference Number WL200731014 to our response handling agency:\par Maxwell Bruce Selection\par 26B Renfield Street\par Glasgow, G2 1LU\par Email: [log in to unmask]\par \par Closing date for applications: 14 July 2000\par }