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Carol Christ talk banned in Australia


Daniel Cohen <[log in to unmask]>


Gender related to the study and practice of religion <[log in to unmask]>


Wed, 23 Mar 2005 20:26:06 +0000





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This report was posted on the Nature Religions 
email list, and I think it will interest people 
on this list. As it doesn't contain any words of 
the person who posted it to Natrel, it seems fine 
to copy it here.

The Religion Report: 9 March 2005 - Carol Christ

[This is the print version of story


Dr Patricia Brennan on the banning of Feminist theologian Carol Christ

David Rutledge: Welcome to the program.

This week we're talking with two distinguished 
international guests, one of whom is the American 
author and Kabbalah scholar, Rabbi David Cooper, 
and we'll be hearing from him a little later in 
the program.

The other guest is a pioneer in the study of 
women and religion. Her name is Dr Carol Christ; 
she's originally from the US, having taught at 
Harvard Divinity School and Columbia University. 
But these days she lives in Greece, where she's 
Director of the Ariadne Institute for Myth and 
Ritual. Carol Christ's first book Womanspirit 
Rising , was a key text in the emerging field of 
feminist theology in the late 1970s, and since 
then she's been a leading writer and teacher on 
ancient traditions of goddess religion.

And if you thought that feminist theology in the 
21st century had lost its power to confront, then 
you'd be sadly mistaken. Carol Christ was 
scheduled to give a lecture this Saturday evening 
in Sydney, at Santa Sabina College in 
Strathfield, that's run by the Dominican Sisters. 
But it turns out that she was too hot to handle. 
Early this week, the College was contacted by the 
Catholic Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney, Julian 
Porteous. He'd been asked by Cardinal George Pell 
to inquire into the nature of the lecture being 
given at Santa Sabina. A statement released by 
the Bishop said that 'following an enquiry from 
myself on behalf of the Archdiocese, the 
Dominican Sisters decided it would be 
inappropriate for a talking promoting Goddess 
worship and Pagan spiritualities ... to be held 
in a Catholic venue.' The Dominican Sisters were 
unavailable for comment, and Cardinal Pell is 
currently in Rome.

The organisers of the event then approached 
Meriden School, an Anglican girls' school, also 
in Strathfield. Meriden were afraid that the 
school might be seen to be endorsing the 
unorthodox views of Dr Christ, and so they 
declined. Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, Dr Peter 
Jensen, has reportedly said that he stands by the 
school's decision.

And Carol Christ will now be speaking at the 
Uniting Church in Strathfield on Saturday evening.

We'll be talking with Carol Christ in a few 
moments, but first, Dr Patricia Brennan is 
National Convenor of the Australian Feminist 
Theology Foundation, one of the bodies that 
invited Carol Christ to Australia. And Patricia 
Brennan is talking with Noel Debien.

Patricia Brennan: To our great surprise at the 
eleventh hour, we've had a venue denied us 
because it's Catholic property, and Christian 
ideas are not Catholic property, and we were 
rather hoping that they'd be able to get out from 
that venue.

Noel Debien: Can I ask what is at stake here?

Patricia Brennan: I guess the question is whether 
it's control of property or whether it's control 
of ideas, and the church has a mechanism for 
controlling ideas when it actually doesn't let 
you speak.

So the silencing of women is nothing new; the 
silencing of any creative theologian isn't new, 
but we're a bit surprised because this was not a 
matter of wide interest in 2005, the days of 
creative interest by a groundswell of feminism 
are really over, like all prophetic movements, 
they come, they go.

Noel Debien: Yet there is precedent for the 
Dominican Sisters sponsoring this type of event, 
isn't there?

Patricia Brennan: Elizabeth Schüssler-Fiorenza 
who's probably a noted feminist theologian, I 
think she'll go down in history as having made a 
difference to orthodox theology in the end, she 
spoke at Santa Sabina in

1989 to a very large meeting, and that launched 
the Australian Feminist Theology Foundation, 
which is really a combination of all the reform

groups: Catholics, Anglicans, Uniting Church and 
women who are outside the church.

Noel Debien: Well I'm interested that you talk in 
that interdenominational way too, because in a 
sense, Carol Christ herself is beyond 
denomination now.

Patricia Brennan: Yes, but theologians are 
usually beyond something, aren't they? I mean 
their job is to think; there's always a cutting 
edge to every traditional form of knowledge, and 
theologians are the ones who have a job to do. 
They're supposed to re-think things. They always 
have, they've always been controversial. If 
they're not controversial, I don't mean for the 
sake of being controversial, if they're not 
pushing boundaries of how people understand God, 
but most of all of how that understanding affects 
the way they treat each other, then they're not a 
lot of use.

Noel Debien: I'm interested to ask though, there 
is a real sense of surprise among some of the 
women I've spoken to; where is that surprise 
coming from, given that we know the Cardinal's 
views on theology and church order?

Patricia Brennan: I didn't think that it would 
matter enough to stop that. After all, it wasn't 
going to be to thousands of people. It certainly 
is critical of orthodoxy, but surely every bishop 
throughout history knows that you to have 
theologians is to invite them to criticise 
orthodoxy. I think it's because it's a woman, I 
think that probably the greatest challenge to 
orthodoxy in the last few decades I have no 
doubt, has been women coming to an understanding 
that their experience of God is profoundly 
affected if their concept of God is male. And I 
think women, and men too, who think about it, 
connect what God is like to what people are like, 
and what they think they can do to each other. 
And I think nobody would deny that there's a 
horrible lot of abuse going on in terms of the 
bodies of women, and I think they relate that to 
hierarchy and power over other people. So I think 
it will go down that feminist theology genuinely 
impacted orthodoxy in the 20th century.

Noel Debien: What would Carol Christ have raised 
with the women and the men who would have 
attended the lectures in Santa Sabina?

Patricia Brennan: I like to think that would 
be... much. But at least it will be in connection 
with Mary Daley, who was a foundation feminist 
theologian, where she will say 'If male is God, 
God is male', and I think that George Pell has 
just shown that that is still a good thesis.

If you have power over thinking, and you're male, 
then that's acceptable, especially if it's over 
the thinking of dissident women. She talks about 
the unrelatedness of the orthodox God to human 

She talks of the immortality as a career after 
death as problematic. So she tackles a lot of 
things that are accepted thinking about God.

Noel Debien: This whole area of goddess 
exploration is not mainstream, not net anyway. 
It's not widely known in the streets; when you 
begin to talk about the whole idea of the goddess 
and its place within religion.

Patricia Brennan: Yes, but one would have to say 
that religion isn't widely known in the streets 
at the moment. There's a terrible disenchantment 
in a secular society that says Only those who are 
part of the flock. I think the tradition that's 
worshipped Mary as the Mother of God, and where 
there are whole orders, that absolutely obsess 
over this wholly-removed woman who was virginal 
and perfect, there's a lot going on about 
gendering God in that. And so I think that's 
where it's more offensive. I think that the 
Catholic tradition thinks it's looked after 
femininity, but actually what relevance has a 
virginal mother to the average woman struggling 
to survive at the moment? Not much, I'd say.

David Rutledge: Patricia Brennan of the 
Australian Feminist Theology Foundation, talking 
there with Noel Debien.

So why has Carol Christ been deemed theologically 
inappropriate to appear on Catholic or Anglican 
property? Well her work stems from the conviction 
that the world's great religions have relied on 
the subordination of women, and so for 30 years 
she's been exploring ancient goddess traditions, 
and looking for ways in which to re-imagine 
divine power in ways that redress the age-old 
gender imbalance.

Carol Christ's recent work has been influenced by 
what's called process philosophy , which concerns 
itself with change in the world, creation in 
constant transformation, rather than fixed 
eternal laws.

The 20th century's most influence process 
philosopher was the American Charles Hartshorne, 
who died in 2000, and he was famous for his list 
of six theological mistakes that he felt had been 
made by classical theology. These mistakes 
included the idea of God as perfect and 
unchangeable; and the possibility that there 
could ever be an infallible revelation. These 
ideas are all developed at length in Carol 
Christ's latest book 'She Who Changes', and so 
maybe it's not particularly surprising that 
certain elements in the established churches 
would rather she took her business elsewhere.

Anyway, let's hear from Carol Christ; she's on the line from Brisbane.

Carol Christ: Some people think that when we 
begin to imagine God as "she" simple sex-change 
operation on the divine power, or as Rita Gross 
once put it, "Yaweh in a skirt". But in my book I 
talk about the fact that I believe the divine 
power in the larger sense is inclusive of all of 
male, female, and any genders in between, of 
animals, plants, cells, atoms, particles of 
atoms. So in the larger sense the divine power 
can be imaged in many, many different ways. The 
importance of imaging the divine as "she" is 
really a western problem. At this point in time 
where we have several thousand years of 
exclusively or predominantly male imagery for 
God, and I think the picture that almost everyone 
in our culture has in their minds when they hear 
the word 'God', is an old man with a long white 
beard. Now they may quickly said "I didn't really 
think God is like that", but I think that image 
comes to mind for almost all of us, and it's very 
important to shatter that image, and the only way 
we can shatter that image I believe, is by 
affirming images of the divine as female.

David Rutledge: Doesn't that bring a particular 
set of problems for women though? You often hear 
it argued that goddess theology establishes a 
whole new set of fundamental characteristics for 
women that could be as oppressive as the old 
patriarchal stereotype. So what does goddess 
theology have to offer to women for example, who 
say "Well I'm not particularly nurturing", or 
"I'm not a very earth-centred person, I'm 
actually very rational and abstract".

Carol Christ: I don't think that goddess 
spirituality has ever denied the rational 
capacities of women. If you like at ancient 
goddess traditions, it's always been understood 
that goddesses in the past have been attributed 
with inventing writing, poetry, music and so on, 
so it's not simply a body thing, but it is a 
holistic spirituality. Now if anyone - female or 
male - says I'm not particularly earth-centred, 
what goddess spirituality has to offer them I 
think is a way of becoming more earth-centred. I 
think that we are creatures of this earth, and if 
we're not earth-centred I believe that we're 
alienated from our true place in the world. And 
one of the reasons that I found process 
philosophy to be useful in this matter is that 
it's a philosophy that's addressed both men and 
women, stating that the highest power in the 
universe is the power of sympathy. You could call 
that nurturing if you wanted to, but this is not 
a capacity that's only for women, it's for both 
women and men.

David Rutledge: Well tell me more about process 
philosophy, because as you've said, this is 
fundamental to your new book, particularly the 
work of Charles Hartshorne. How do the ideas of 
this philosopher inform your own work?

Carol Christ: Yes, well again getting back to the 
title of the book 'She Who Changes', process 
philosophy is a philosophy that affirms changing 
lives, and for me that often means "life in the 
body" and the finitude of life on earth. In 
contrast to philosophies rooted in the platonic 
tradition, which see change as negative, that is, 
the divine power is something that doesn't 
change; a consistent human being is someone who 
doesn't change, and so on. And I think that in 
affirming change is a major departure from much 
of Western philosophy and theology, and I think 
it has very important consequences for women, 
because in Western philosophy, women have been 
identified with the changing body and the 
changing body in nature have been viewed as less 
than the immortal realm of God and the rational 
mind of men. As I say in my book, I believe 
process philosophy pulls the rug out from under 
that whole way of thinking.

David Rutledge: In your book, you quote the six 
theological mistakes identified by Charles 
Hartshorne, one of which says that it's a 
theological mistake to imagine that there can 
ever be an infallible revelation. And that cuts 
right to the heart of traditional Christian 
theology, doesn't it?

Carol Christ: Yes. Again, beginning from change. 
Life is always changing. We are also fragments of 
a much larger whole, and so that any position we 
have on truth is always going to be in a process 
open to change, open to correction, so we can 
affirm that there has been revelations - and I 
think there have been many in human history - all 
of those are partial and fragmentary, and none of 
them are infallible.

David Rutledge: So the implication there is that 
God is constrained by the limited development of 
human consciousness and human culture.

Carol Christ: God is constrained?

David Rutledge: Mmm.

Carol Christ: We are constrained.

David Rutledge: We are constrained, or God in the world, God through us.

Carol Christ: God or Goddess is not constrained 
by our limitations, but on the other hand from a 
process point of view, the divine power is fully 
involved in the changing world, and in that sense 
it's different from our traditional notion of 

David Rutledge: You also echo Hartshorne's 
criticism of the idea of immortality as a "career 
after death". What concept of immortality are you 
working with, or do you reject it out of hand?

Carol Christ: Hartshorne believed that 
immortality was a legacy of dualistic thinking in 
which the immortal is viewed as higher and better 
than that which is finite and changing, and he 
believed that when we focused on life after 
death, we were devaluing this life and perhaps 
lessening our moral commitments to change things 
within the world that we find ourselves. So I 
tend to agree with him that immortality as a 
focus in religion, removes us from this world 
which is our true home, and from our moral 
responsibilities within this world. And if we 
think of ourselves as being involved in a cosmic 
process of birth, death and regeneration, I don't 
see a problem with all life being finite, 
including my own.

David Rutledge: Carol, if we look at what seems 
to be a rising tide of conservatism in the West, 
if we look at even the events that have 
surrounded your appearance or perhaps 
non-appearance in Sydney this week, do you 
sometimes feel that a voice such as your own is 
maybe more marginalised from the mainstream than 
ever right now?

Carol Christ: Well I think we're involved, I 
don't know, in America we're involved in - 
actually a great divide. I think we have a 
growing number of people who are embracing 
diversity; who care about the earth; who care 
about other people within this life in a way that 
I've been talking about here from a process point 
of view. And then we have another half of the 
population that's looking for some type of 
authoritative answers. What I see happening is 
actually a sharpening of the divisions rather 
than a marginalisation of the other side. So I 
mean, in a way, I've never been denied a venue by 
the Catholic church before, and on the one hand I 
was kind of surprised, on the other hand I was 
kind of delighted, because to me it showed that 
the Catholic church is afraid of me. But that 
doesn't mean I'm marginalised, that means I 
actually have something to say that they're 
afraid might convince people if they heard it. It 
might be attractive.

David Rutledge: Author and theologian, Carol 
Christ. And Carol Christ will be appearing at the 
Uniting Church in Carrington Street, Strathfield 
in Sydney this Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. 
She'll also be speaking in Canberra, Melbourne, 
Adelaide and Tasmania. Full details on our Web 

Guests on this program:

Patricia Brennan

National Convenor, The Australian Feminist Theology Foundation

Carol Christ

Author and Director of the Ariadne Institute for 
the Study of Myth and Ritual, Greece


She Who Changes: Re-imagining the Divine in the World

Author: Carol Christ

Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (New York 2003)

Further information:

Carol Christ Public Lectures

Saturday 12th March at 7.00 pm (Sydney) Lecture; 
Strathfield Uniting Church, 16 Carrington Ave, 
Strathfield, Sydney.

Monday 14th March at 7.45 pm (Canberra) Lecture; 
St James Church Centre, 40 Gillies Street, Curtin.

Wednesday 16th March at 7.45 pm (Melbourne), Evan 
Burge Lecture; Evan Burge Building, Trinity 
College, Royal Parade, Parkville, Melbourne

Saturday 19th March, 10.00am - 3.30pm (Adelaide) 
Lecture; Table-Talk and Plenary Session; 
RitualSophia, 225 Cross Rd, Cumberland Park, 


Tuesday 22nd March at 3.30pm (Golden Valley, 
Tasmania) Lecture, meal and workshop; 
Mountainside, Golden Valley, Tasmania. Details 03 
6369 5226

Wednesday 23rd March at 7pm (Launceston, 
Tasmania) Public lecture; level 1, 93 York St, 
Launceston Tas. Details 03 6327 3997.

© 2005 Australian Broadcasting Corporation 
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