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pf11 <[log in to unmask]>


pf11 <[log in to unmask]>


Thu, 31 Oct 2002 14:10:29 +0000





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                               A network newsletter
                   for the International Phonetic Association
                           and for the Phonetic Sciences

                                November 2002

     Linda Shockey, University of Reading, UK <[log in to unmask]>
     Gerry Docherty, University of Newcastle, UK
<[log in to unmask]>
     Paul Foulkes, University of York, UK <[log in to unmask]>
     Lisa Lim,  National University of Singapore <[log in to unmask]>

    E-mail address:
     [log in to unmask]

    The foNETiks archive can be found on the WWW at:

    Visit the IPA web page at:

                           [new ones marked ++]
                     [date of first appearance follows]

8 - 10 November 2002.  Symposium on Chinese Linguistics (Tone),
Institute of Linguistics, Taiwan.  <[log in to unmask]> (02/02)

ORAL ET ÉCRIT»,Aix-en-Provence, France
http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/lpl/evenements/dyslexie2002/ (11/02)

28 - 30 November, 2002.  XIIIe Giiornate di Studio del Gruppo de
Fonetica Sperimentale, Pisa     [log in to unmask]  (8/02)

2 - 5 December 2002. 9th Australian International Conference on
SPEECH SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY 2002. University of Melbourne.
http://www.conferences.unimelb.edu.au/SST/ (07/02)

2 - 6 December 2002. Joint Meeting: 144th Meeting of the Acoustical
Society of America, 3rd Iberoamerican Acoustics and 9th Mexican
Congress on Acoustics. Cancun, Mexico.http://asa.aip.org/cancun.html

5 - 7 December 2002. 2nd workshop on sociolinguistic, phonetic
and phonological characteristics of /r/.
Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.
Organiser: Hans Van De Velde <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.ulb.ac.be/philo/phonolab/r-atics2/r-atics2.htm (10/02)

9 - 11 January 2003.  Old World Conference in Phonology I (Segmental
Phonology).  http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/ulcl/events/ocp1/  (6/02)

21 - 24 January  2003. 8th International Symposium on Social
Communication. Centro de Linguistica Aplicada, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
<[log in to unmask]> (03/02)

7 - 9 March 2003. Texas Linguistics Society (TLS. The University of
Texas at Austin. Theme: The Dynamics of Coarticulation in Speech
Production and Perception.

27 - 29 March 2003.  International Colloquium on Prosodic Interfaces,
Nantes, France.  [log in to unmask]
http://www.lettres.univ-nantes.fr/infos/ip2003/IP2003GB.html (6/02)

7 - 11 April 2003. Ecole thématique de phonologie et de phonétique.
Ile de Porquerolles, France.
Organiser: Isabelle Marlien <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.lpl.univ-aix.fr/~etpp03 (10/02)

Moscow, Russia. e-mail: [log in to unmask] (11/03)

1 - 4 July 2003. Child Phonology Conference, UBC, Vancouver.
Organiser: Joe Stemberger <[log in to unmask]> (09/02)

Des représentations aux contraintes /From representations to
constraints.  Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail, France.
[log in to unmask] (11/03)

3 August 2003. Intonation in language varieties - AM approaches.
(Satellite workshop at ICPhS XV in Barcelona.) Universitat de Barcelona.
Organiser: Paul Warren <[log in to unmask]>
http://www.vuw.ac.nz/lals/icphs/intonation_in_varieties.html (10/02)

3 - 9 August 2003. ICPhS 2003: 15th International Congress of
Phonetic Sciences. Barcelona, Spain. http://shylock.uab.es/icphs/

11 - 15 August, 2003. Fourth World Congress on Fluency Disorders,
Montreal, Canada. http://www/ifacongress2003.com (05/02)

1 - 4 September 2003. EUROSPEECH'2003 - 8th European Conference on
Speech Communication and Technology. Geneva, Switzerland.
http://www.isca-speech.org/conferences.html (actual website under
construction) (08/01)

11 - 14 September 2003. IVth UK Language Variation and Change
Conference, Sheffield, UK.
Organiser, Joan Beal <[log in to unmask]> (09/02)

++ 8 - 10 October 2003. 2nd International Workshop on the Phonology and
Morphology of Creole Languages. University of Siegen, Germany.
http://www.uni-siegen.de/~engspra/workshop/ (11/03)

Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
http://www.maccs.mq.edu.au/events/2003/issp2003 (10/02)

23 - 26 March 2004. Speech Prosody 2004. Nara, Japan.
Organiser: <[log in to unmask]> (10/02)

                           **CONFERENCES & WORKSHOPS**

Aix-en-Provence, le 15 novembre 2002


L'objectif de cette manifestation est d'établir un panorama des
recherches scientifiques francophones dans le domaine des troubles
d'apprentissage du langage oral et écrit. L'incidence importante de ces
troubles (un à trois enfants par classe de cours préparatoire), les
progrès réalisés dans leur diagnostic et les enjeux socio-économiques
(en particulier en termes d'illettrisme) mieux reconnus en font en outre
un objet d'étude idéal, à l'intersection de la neuropsychologie, de la
linguistique et des sciences cognitives.

La journée a été spécifiquement conçue pour susciter des croisements
inter-disciplinaires et favoriser les échanges entre chercheurs venus
d'horizons différents. Elle fera intervenir des phonéticiens, des
neurologues, des psycholinguistes, des spécialistes de l'acquisition de
la parole, des chercheurs en psychologie cognitive, des
neuropsychologues. A ce titre, la journée intéresse une communauté
scientifique extrêmement diversifiée.

Soulignons que la journée présentera un intérêt particulier pour les
étudiants de niveau doctoral qui pourront y trouver l'occasion de
présenter leurs premiers travaux mais aussi de recevoir une formation
avancée fournie par des chercheurs internationalement reconnus.


Comme les années précédentes, les communications orales ne font
intervenir que des conférenciers invités : M. Bastien (LPC & Université
de Provence), S. Casalis (URECA & Université de Lille III), J.F.
Demonet, (INSERM U455, Toulouse), JE  Gombert (CRP2C & Université de
Rennes II), Michel Habib (CHU Timone), M.P. Noël (Unite CODE &
Université Catholique de Louvain), J.L. Paour (PsyCLE & Université de
Provence), M. Plaza (Laboratoire Cognition et Développement), W.
Serniclaes (CNRS-LEAPLE), L. Sprenger-Charolles (CNRS-LEAPLE), M. Taylor
(CNRS-CERCO), L. Vaivre-Douret (INSERM U483), S. Valdois (CNRS-LPE),
J.L. Velay (CNRS-INPC), J.  Ziegler (CNRS-LPC), M. Zorman (Laboratoire
Cogni-Sciences et apprentissage et IUFM Grenoble).

Un pré-programme peut être consulté sur le site web de la manifestation:


Le format de chaque proposition doit correspondre aux critères suivants

--- Première page : titre de la communication et mots-clés, noms,
e-mails et
n° de téléphone des auteurs, coordonnées complètes   du laboratoire de
recherche ;
--- Deuxième page : résumé de la communication (n'excédant pas 400 mots
références bibliographiques) ;
--- Présentation : Police Times 12 points - Interligne 1,5 - Marges 2,5

Les auteurs feront parvenir leurs propositions exclusivement par
électronique (fichier attaché au format Word RTF) à l'adresse suivante :
[log in to unmask]

---- Date limite d'envoi des propositions : vendredi 11 octobre 2002


Un ouvrage contenant les communications invitées, et une partie des
communications affichées sera publié ultérieurement par le service des
Publications de l'Université de Provence.


La journée est organisée par le Laboratoire Parole et Langage (UMR 6057)
l'Université de Provence (UFR LACS et UFR Psychologie, Sciences de
l'éducation). Le comité d'organisation comprend : S. Ducrot (CNRS &
Université de Provence), M. Habib (CHU Timone), B. Joly-Pottuz (LPL &
Timone), I. Marlien, (LPL-CNRS), N. Nguyen (LPL & Université de
et B. Teston (LPL-CNRS).

Des renseignements plus précis concernant l'organisation matérielle de
Journée peuvent être obtenus auprès de Isabelle Marlien :
[log in to unmask]



Le formulaire d'inscription pourra également être téléchargé sur le site
de la manifestation:

Adresse :
Tél :
E-mail :


* frais d'inscription : 20 euros
* Repas du midi : 10 euros

--Les inscriptions sont à envoyer avant le 31 octobre à l'adresse
      Madame Isabelle Marlien
      Laboratoire Parole et Langage
      Université de Provence
      29 avenue Robert Schuman
      13621 Aix-en-Provence Cedex 1

--Joindre votre chèque à l'ordre de :
« Association pour la Promotion de la Phonétique et de la Linguistique »

--Aucune inscription ne sera prise par e-mail.


2nd International Workshop on the Phonology and Morphology of Creole

      October 8-10, 2003
      University of Siegen, Germany

Until the late 1990s, phonology and morphology have been neglected
areas in the study of creole languages. Available phonological studies
were largely confined to segmental aspects, and morphology was
generally held to be marginal in these languages, if not totally
absent. More recent studies have shown, however, that the
investigation of creole phonology and morphology is of considerable
importance for the field of creole studies and beyond, both
theoretically and empirically.

The papers given at the first 'International Workshop on the Phonology
and Morphology of Creole Languages' (held in Siegen in 2001) have
called into question long-cherished beliefs about the nature of creole
phonology and morphology (e.g. the alleged absence of inflection,
grammatical tone and semantic opacity), and provided a wealth of
interesting phenomena from a wide range of pidgins and creoles that
have long been ignored by students of these languages.

The purpose of the '2nd International Workshop on the Phonology and
Morphology of Creole Languages' is to provide another forum for the
presentation of work on segmental and suprasegmental phonology,
morpho- phonology and morphology of creole languages. The theoretical
focus of the workshop will be on the question of emergence of
phonological and morphological structure. Papers are particularly
welcome that address the question of how in situations of extreme
language contact phonological structure (syllable structure, stress
systems and tone systems) emerges, and which factors are responsible
for the crystallization of inflection, derivation and
word-formation. Studies relating to other issues, descriptive or
theoretical, are of course also welcome.

There will be approximately 24 slots for papers, which will be
selected on the basis of anonymously reviewed abstracts. Each paper
will be allotted 25 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for

All paper presenters will be provided free accomodation for up to four
nights in a centrally located hotel.

The workshop will be organized by Ingo Plag, Chair in English
Linguistics, University of Siegen, Germany.

Abstracts: Send in three anonymous copies of your abstract (for
review), and one copy including your name, mailing address, e-mail
address, fax and telephone number via regular mail to the address
given below. In addition, provide an electronic version of your
abstract via e-mail, or on a disk.  Abstracts should not exceed a
maximum length of 1 page, 1.5-spaced.

The deadline for the receipt of abstracts is May 1, 2003. Acceptance
notices will be sent out no later than June 15, 2003.

Send your abstract to the following address:

                  Prof. Dr. Ingo Plag
                  - Creole Workshop 2003 -
                  English Linguistics, Fachbereich 3
                  University of Siegen
                  Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
                  D-57068 Siegen

                  e-mail:  [log in to unmask]

Information on and around the workshop will soon be available
at: http://www.uni-siegen.de/~engspra/workshop/

From representations to constraints


The phonology team of the Equipe de Recherche en Syntaxe et Sémantique
(CNRS & Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail) will organise in Toulouse, in
partnership with the GDR 1954 Phonologie du CNRS, an international
conference on the theme 'From representations to constraints'.
Coordinator: Elsa Gomez-Imbert.

Le colloque comporte deux parties/The conference is made up of two

"Headhood, contrastivity and specification"
Coordinators: P. Carr et J. Durand
Monday 7th July to Wednesday 9th July lunchtime

"From representations to constraints and from constraints to
Coordinators: L. Labrune, E. Gomez-Imbert.
Wed 9th July pm to Friday 11th July pm

The list of guest speakers includes: John Anderson, Luigi Burzio, Teresa
Cabré, François Dell,
Colleen Fitzgerald, Shosuke Haraguchi, John Harris, Harry van der Hulst,
Darlene La Charité, Maria-Rosa Lloret, Carole Paradis, Pilar Prieto,
Curt Rice, Filomena Spatti Sandalo.

The aim of this conference is to explore, on the one hand, the nature of
concepts such as headhood, contrast and specification in phonology and,
on the other, the part played by representations in constraint-based
phonologies. Most phonological frameworks appeal to the notion of head
within phonological domains and, while this notion may seem transparent,
one can nevertheless wonder about its homogeneity from domain to domain:
for example within syllabic constituents, stress groups and
infrasegmental structure. Closely linked to this question is that of the
specification of phonological elements and the role played by contrast
in the
establishment of phonological structure. While the role of constraints
within phonological theories is now well supported, various constraint
based theories such as Optimality Theory are not theories of
representations. Nevertheless, representational questions continue to
pose problems. Do they emerge from constraints or do they need to be
given a central place within phonological theory ? And if so, how can
their form be specified ? These are some of the questions which will be
addressed within the conference.

The whole conference will be made up of 40 papers of 50 mn each
(including discussion time), poster sessions and a round table for each
part of the conference. Twenty of the papers will be by invitation, and
twenty papers will be selected by the scientific committee on the basis
of the abstracts. Please send an anonymised summary of 400 words
maximum, specifying whether you wish to be considered for a paper and/or
a poster presentation.

Languages: French and English.


Elsa Gomez-Imbert
Courriel/e-mail : [log in to unmask] ERSS-UMR5610
Maison de la Recherche
5 allées Antonio Machado
Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail
F-31058 Toulouse cedex 1


The IV International conference PHONETICS TODAY will be held April
18-20, 2003 under the aegis of the Russian Language Institute (Russian
Academy of Sciences) in Moscow. Papers are invited in all areas of

To submit a proposal please send your abstract of no more than 2 pages
in 12-point font, 1.5-spaced. Papers will be 20 minutes in length,
followed by a 10-minute discussion period. Authors are asked to submit
their abstracts no later than December 15, 2002, as RTF files either
by e-mail attachment or by post (a diskette plus one hard
copy). Please include name, address, affiliation, and e-mail or other
contact information.

Traditionally there are special graduate student' sessions
within the framework of the conference and graduate students are
encouraged to submit their proposals.

The official conference language is Russian, but papers in English are
also welcome.

Send your abstract to the following address:
Department of Phonetics
Russian Language Institute
Volkhonka 18/2
Moscow 119019

e-mail: [log in to unmask]

                           ******POSITIONS VACANT******


The Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences invites applications
for a three year renewable tenure-track position at the Assistant
level beginning July 1, 2003. Areas of interest include but are not
to phonology or phonological processing, syntax or sentence processing,
lexical access or lexical semantics, using experimental, formal,
developmental, neurological, or computational methods. Expertise in two
more areas and/or the application of multiple paradigms is preferred.
Applicants should have a strong research program and a broad teaching
ability in cognitive science and/or linguistics at both the
and graduate levels. Interest in contributing curricular innovations in
keeping with Brown's university-college tradition is desirable.
should have completed all Ph.D. requirements by no later than July 1,

Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply. Send curriculum
vitae, three letters of reference, reprints and preprints of
and a one page statement of research interests to Dr. James Morgan,
Search Committee, Department of Cognitive and Linguistic Sciences, Brown
University, Box 1978, Providence, R.I. 02912 by December 1, 2002.


University or Organization: THE ADEA GROUP
Rank of Job: Voice Dialog Designer
Specialty Areas Required: Computational Linguistics
Required Language(s): English

Voice Dialog Designer - DALLAS,TEXAS BASED

Key Skills:
Nuance, Speechworks, Tellmenetworks, Voice recognition, Voice Dialogue
Design, prompt design and grammar design and tuning, Voice XML 2.0.

Job Description:

Fortune 100 client seeking experienced Voice Recognition Engineer.

Qualified candidates must have experience with Voice Dialogue Design/
call flow and voice dialogue tuning. Client is seeking to enhance
their current application. Experience working with Nuance,
Speechworks, or Tellmenetworks is a big plus. Designers vs. coders are
needed. There are various employee facing applications as well as
customer facing applications. The job description includes designing
communicative dialogs for these telephone based applications. Must
have excellent written and oral communication skills.

Address for Applications:
        Attn: VP Recruiting, KAREN GEORGE
        4835 LBJ FREEWAY, SUITE 800
        DALLAS, TX 75244
        United States of America

        Position is open until filled.

Contact Information:
        Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 1-888-590-2332 x1115
        Website: http://www.adea.com


Assistant Professor  in Phonology - The University of Kansas, USA

The Linguistics Department at the University of Kansas invites
applications for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track starting August
18, 2003, subject to budgetary approval.  A Ph.D. in Linguistics with a
specialization in phonology is required.  The successful candidate will
have a strong record of research in phonology.  The preferred candidate
will show evidence of teaching experience.  A complete application will
include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, sample publications,
and three letters of reference.  Please include phone number and e-mail
address, and send to:  Linguistics Search Committee, Linguistics
Department, University of Kansas, 1541 Lilac Lane, Lawrence, KS
66044-3177. Further information concerning the position may be obtained
by telephone (785-864-3450) or by e-mail ([log in to unmask]).  Women
and minorities are particularly encouraged to apply.

First priority will be given to applications received by December 1,


University or Organization: New York University, USA
Rank of Job: Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Phonetics or Syntax

Tenure-track / Tenured Position in Phonetics or Syntax

The Department of Linguistics at New York University will be adding a
position in either Phonetics or Syntax, beginning September 1, 2003,
pending administrative and budgetary approval. The hiring will be
either at the assistant professor (tenure track) or the associate
professor (tenured) level; in the latter case, we are primarily
looking for applicants at the beginning of their tenured
career. Responsibilities include teaching at the undergraduate and
graduate levels. Applicants should have a strong research record and a
demonstrated ability to teach.

In Phonetics, we are looking for theoretically inclined applicants
whose research informs and is informed by Phonology. In Syntax, we are
looking for applicants whose research combines empirical and
theoretical depth.

Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of
recommendation, and a sample of work, by November 30, 2002, to either
one of the two search committees:

Phonetics Search Committee   or   Syntax Search Committee,
Department of Linguistics
719 Broadway, 5th floor
New York University                                     
New York, NY 10003-6860

For information about the department, please visit
http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/lingu/ .  NYU is an Equal Opportunity /
Affirmative Action Employer.

Address for Applications:
        Attn: Phonetics Search Committee or Syntax Search Committee
        Department of Linguistics
        New York University
        719 Broadway, 5th floor
        New York, NY 10003-6860
        United States of America
        Applications are due by 30-Nov-2002

Contact Information:
        Anna Szabolcsi.
        Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: (212) 998 7956
        Fax: (212) 995 4707
        Website: http://www.nyu.edu/gsas/dept/lingu/


Linguistic Researcher position (Spanish):  Genius Institute of
Technology, Brazil

Genius is a world-class technology institute working with digital data
storage, audio and video compression, signal digitization and
digital, analog and power eletronics, microeletronics, automatic speech
recognition and, in the near future, speech synthesis. We are currently
looking for a dynamic, flexible, proactive Linguistic Researcher for
American Spanish to join our team at our offices in Manaus, Brazil.

The position would involve working within the linguistic group,
linguistic solutions for speech technology applications.

The following qualifications are REQUIRED:
   - First degree or higher in linguistics, computational linguistics,
            or equivalent
   - Native Spanish speaker (preferably Latin American)
   - Sound knowledge in phonology, phonetics, and
            dialectology/regional variation of Latin American Spanish
   - Team player, but able to successfully work independently
   - Strong communication skills
   - Knowledge of standard computer applications
   - Willingness to relocate to Manaus

Experience in any of the following would be an ASSET:

   - Proficiency in English and/or Portuguese
   - Speech technology esp. automatic speech recognition, text-to-
            speech, text normalization, parsing, etc.
          - Computer programming and/or scripting languages esp. C, C++,
            Java, Python, Perl, and AWK
   - Operating systems such as Windows and Unix/Linux
   - Any other experience with Computational linguistics

We offer an exciting, stimulating work environment with flexible hours,
good benefits and a casual dress code.  For more information on the
Institute, please visit our website at:

The position is scheduled to open on November 1st, 2002 and review of
applications starts immediately.

Please submit your CV and cover letter by e-mail to:
Marcello Modesto, Ph.D. <[log in to unmask]>


University or Organization: University of Maryland at College Park, USA
Rank of Job: Full Professor
Specialty Areas: Phonetics, Speech Science

University or Organization: University of Maryland at College Park, MD
Rank of Job: Assistant Professor
Areas Required: Speech Science (Speech Production, Voice/Resonance,
Speech Disorders)
Other desired Areas: related areas in speech-language pathology
Department: Hearing and Speech Sciences
Contact: Dr. Froma P. Roth, Chair - search committee, 301-405-4230,
[log in to unmask]

Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences (ESB-CAA accredited) invites
applicants for a tenure track position, beginning August,
2003. Qualifications include an earned doctorate in speech-language
pathology, speech science, or related area. Expertise in Speech
Science (speech production, voice/resonance, speech disorders) is
preferred, but other areas of expertise will be considered. Applicants
should demonstrate a publication record and have favorable teaching
evaluations commensurate with experience. Post-doctoral training and
CCC-SLP are preferred. The successful candidate must provide evidence
of research productivity, and demonstrate the potential to establish
an independent research program capable of attracting external
support. Responsibilities include conducting research, teaching
undergraduate and graduate courses, mentoring graduate students, and
participating in departmental and university activities. Salary is
negotiable, depending upon qualifications and experience.

The department offers B.A., M.A., AuD., and Ph.D. degrees and is the
largest Hearing and Speech program in the state of Maryland (web page:
www.bsos.umd.edu/hesp).  The College Park campus is located in the
Baltimore-Washington metropolitan area in close proximity to numerous
world-renowned medical institutions and research facilities including
the NIH, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Johns Hopkins University,
and the University of Maryland, School of Medicine.

Review of applications will begin on January 2, 2003, but applications
will be accepted until position is filled.  Please send a letter of
application, CV, a statement of research and teaching interests,
selected reprints, transcript of graduate studies, and three letters
of recommendation to: Dr. Froma P. Roth, Chair - Search Committee,
Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 20742. Please contact Dr. Roth at: 301-405-4230,
[log in to unmask]

The University of Maryland is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity
employer. Minorities are encouraged to apply.

Address for Applications:
        Attn: Professor Froma Roth
        Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences
        University of Maryland at College park
        College Park, MD 20742
        United States of America
Position is open until filled.

Contact Information:
        Professor Froma Roth.
        Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 301-405-4230
        Fax: 301-314-2023


University or Organization: University of Chicago
Department: Department of Linguistics
Rank of Job: Assistant Professor
Specialty Areas: Phonology

Tenure Track Position in Linguistics
University of Chicago

The Department of Linguistics, University of Chicago, expects to fill
a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning
Fall 2003. We are looking for a scholar of exceptional promise with
high competence in phonology. The successful candidate should have
demonstrated a research agenda that seeks to establish new trends of
scholarship. He or she will be expected to teach at both the graduate
and undergraduate levels.

Interested parties should submit a CV, a detailed statement of their
research agenda over the next few years, a sample of their scholarly
writing, and at least three letters of recommendation (sent directly
to us by the references). In the CV, please include contact
information through December 15, 2002. All materials should be
submitted by December 1, 2002 to:

Linguistics Search Committee
Department of Linguistics
University of Chicago
1010 E. 59th Street
Chicago, IL 60637
[log in to unmask]

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
employer.  All qualified applicants are urged to apply for this
position. Appointment will be based on qualifications as they relate
to the position requirements without regard to race, color, national
origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or veteran status..

Address for Applications:
        Attn: Linguistics Search Committee
        Dept. of Linguistics, Univ. of Chicago
        1010 E. 59th St
        Chicago, IL 60637
        United States of America
        Applications are due by 01-Dec-2002

Contact Information:
        Linguistics Search Committee.
        Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: (773) 702-8522
        Fax: (773) 834-0924
        Website: http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/linguistics


Postdoc  opportunities at ENST, Paris and LORIA, Nancy, France

ENST (Paris)  and  LORIA/ISA and LORIA/Speech   Group are involed  in  a
project aiming at assisting second language acquisition. The first stage
of this project is to assemble  already developed components, a basic 3D
face  model, 2D vocal-tract  model, and an  acoustic  model of the vocal
tract for speech synthesis, to formulate a coherent speaking head.

Two  postdoc  positions are  available   (one at  ENST/Paris and  one at
1)  Adaptation of a geometrical model of a face to a new speaker.
2) The second stage is to study  strategies to control the speaking head
to produce natural speech sounds and face motion.

Scientific requirement:  The  candidate must have  a  Ph.D and  a strong
experience in   Computer vision and/or  Speech processing  (articulatory
modeling).  The candidate will  be working in collaboration with members
of the  LORIA/Speech,   LORIA/ISA  and ENST/TSI   group.  We   expect  a
post-doctoral researcher to work on his/her  preferred topics within the
interest of the project. We would also  appreciate and value his/her own
initiatives in the project.

Web pages of the teams involved:
and http://www.enst.fr/ura/ura-OPERA-3-4.html#Heading123

To know more about this position, contact :

.Yves Laprie, LORIA, Nancy,  France ([log in to unmask]) for the first

.Shinji MAEDA, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications, Paris,
France ([log in to unmask]) for the second topic.

To  apply:  The closing date   for applications November  22,  2002. The
starting  date is  between december  2002 and  january 2003.  Applicants
should  send a full  CV and supporting publications  and arrange for two
letters of reference to be sent to [log in to unmask]:

Yves Laprie
   615 rue du jardin botanique
   54602 Villers-les-Nancy
   Tel : +33 3 83 59 20 36

Duration : one year
Gross wage (before-tax):  21000 EUR/year


University or Organization: Beijing Language & Culture University, China
Rank of Job: Lecturer
Specialty Areas: Forensic Linguistics, Language Description, Ling &
Literature, Phonetics, Pragmatics, Translation, Writing Systems
Required Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (CHN)

A Chinese language (Mandarin) & culture teaching job in universities
and colleges.

Address for Applications:
        Attn: Bing Bai
        Beijing Language & Culture University   P.O. Box 404
        Beijing, 100083
        Applications are due by 31-Dec-2004

Contact Information:
        Email: [log in to unmask]
Tel: 8613671242677



Applications are invited for a graduate student position in phonetics
leading to a Ph.D., to start early in
2003. The position can be held full-time over maximum 4 years and in any
area of phonetics that is related to our current research activities
(see http://www.ling.su.se/fon/index.html).

Closing date for applications: December 15 2002.

For more information, contact Professor Olle Engstrand, [log in to unmask]

Deadline for next foNETiks: November 29

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