

The Council of the European Association for Comparative Economic
Studies would like to inform you that the 6th EACES Conference will be
held in Barcelona (Spain), Faculty of Economics, University of
Barcelona, on September 7-9, 2000.
The Conference's subject will be GLOBALISATION AND EUROPEAN
Globalisation and regional integration are generally considered as the
major trends in the internationalisation of the world economy. The
concept of globalisation is rather related to the technological
progress in transport as well as in communications and to the
behaviour of the financial  and industrial agents, namely, the
transnational corporations. The new behaviour imposes new rules of the
game to all the participants in the economic process: TNC themselves,
Small and Medium Size Enterprises (SMSEs), Governments, managers,
trade unions and workers, etc. in order to cope with the requirements
of the increasing competitivity. 
Regional integration could be considered as a form of institutional
strategy in some economic areas in front of the challenge of world
globalisation. Is this integration process a defensive strategy or an
adaptive one? Especially, in the case of the European Union, on one
hand some processes seem to be a progressive adaptation to the
challenges of  globalisation, as the institution of the single
currency, the Euro. On the other hand others, as the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the obstacles to its reform, seem to
lead to the contrary conclusions. 
The conjunction of the two trends - globalisation and regional
integration - arises specific and crucial challenges for the European
Union. For the time being, the most important is the enlargement of
the EU to the CEE countries. This process demands a deep analysis of
the foreseeable consequences for both set of countries (the EU and the
new-comer countries) in terms of life conditions, markets and
institutions. The common gains of the forthcoming integration (social
and political stability, big market, larger economic potential) must
be confronted with more problematic aspects, as the difficulties for
the new-comer countries to reach the convergence in real terms, or the
 troubles arising for the firms and institutions in the case of one
integration process leading to a "secondary" position. Another
critical area of analysis is the EU institutional reform, required for
the enlargement, in such important items as common budget, the above
cited CAP, the adaptation of the EMU, the ways of representation in
the European Parliament and Commission ...
In this context a very interesting question arises from the
perspective of "comparative systems": Globalisation apparently
promotes increasing similarities on the behaviour of the firms and
other economic agents. Regional integration requires progressive
harmonisation of the economic frameworks ( fiscal, monetary, labour
regulations...) The policy recommendations of the International
Institutions (as IMF, World Bank, EBRD) for countries in difficult
economic situations or in socio-economic transformation seem to be
shaped on the same pattern. Is there still a place for the
"comparative economic systems" studies? Or, on the contrary, are we
confronted with a unique system, the market economy or the democratic
capitalism, where the regional differences are not really meaningful?
The success or failure of European integration in the context of World
globalisation will be the definitive feature of the new century. The
organisers of the EACES Conference Barcelona 2000 encourage
researchers from over the world to develop deep analysis of the
constraints and consequences  on the major social and economic areas,
- Financial markets and institutions
- Production process, restructuration, strategic or industrial
policies - Corporate governance - Labour market conditions -
Agricultural sector problems - Foreign Direct Investments and Trade
Flows, - Institutional and social reforms, pension systems, social
security nets - Economic system convergence ...
Papers in these and similar areas of interest related to the main
subject (Globalisation and European Integration, issues for Eastern
and Central Europe, developed economies and developing countries) are
All EACES members and other scholars interested in the Association's
activity are invited to send a title with a short abstract, indicating
wich subject group they want to be in, by November 15, 1999. There will
be a preselection by the Scientific Committee by the end of this year.
The early submission of papers is recommended for people needing to
applicate for outside financial support. The abstracts -as well as the
papers- are kindly requested both in paper and in diskette, in a Words
for Windows file, font Times 12. Abstracts of the papers selected will
be made available to the participans in bookform. The final deadline
for submitting papers is February 29, 2000. Selection of the papers
will be made by the Scientific Committee in early May, 2000.
Please send submissions to Local Organisation Committee of the
Conference: BASTIDA, BenjamÎn, or VIRGILI, M.Teresa, or CAMARA, Carmen

Adress: 		GATE.
Dept. Politica EconÕmica. Universidad de Barcelona
Avda. Diagonal ,690
08034 BARCELONA (Spain)
  Tel.: 3493 4021949  Fax: 3493 4024573
  Email : [log in to unmask]
Notes about the organisation of the 6th EACES Conference Barcelona 2000 
1. Three prestigious Professors have already notified to LÂszlÕ Csaba,
President of EACES, their acceptance of acting as key speakers: Prof.
Janos KORNAI, Harvard University and Collegium Budapest, Honorary
Member of EACES: " Globalisation and Transformation" (preliminary
title). Prof. Gregory GROSSMAN, University of California, Berkeley.
Elected as Honorary Member of EACES: "The irregular economy in
changing economic systems" (preliminary title) Prof. Jorge BRAGA DE
MACEDO, former Minister of Finance and Universidade Nova de
Lisboa:"The Euro, a world currency?"
2. The composition of the Scientific Committee of the 6th EACES
Conference, as it was suggested in the E.C.meeting of Paris and
subjected to confirmation in the E.C.meeting of Budapest (see
Newsletter April 1999),  is: Paul G.HARE, LÂszlÕ CSABA, Hans-JØrgen
WAGENER, Wladimir ANDREFF and BenjamÎn BASTIDA. The Local Org.
Committee is composed by the members cited above (see Adress) plus
Aurelia MAóE, Carles BATLLE, Albert PUIG, Xavier MARTI and Victoria
SOLDEVILA, all of them from the G.A.T.E. (Grup d'Analisis de la
TransiciÕ EconÔmica), Univ. of Barcelona.
3. The Conference will to be held in the building of the Faculty of
Economics of the University of Barcelona.
Barcelona, 10,14,1999.


General information
Application for the participants
Please complete the enclosed registration form accurately and return it to the 6th EACES Conference Organizing Committee at your
earliest convenience. Upon receipt of this form together with the corresponding conference fee, participants will be officially
registered. Registrations will be confirmed (by letter or e-mail), after payment of the registration fee.
Also find enclosed a list of hotels we propose and their approximate rates. Due the serious problems about lodging facilities in
Barcelona, please make your reservation before 01.05.2000. Otherwise, we cannot feel responsible for your accommodation.
Registration Fee 
The full participant's fee covers:
Participation in the meeting
2001 EACES membership registration fee
Final program and book of abstracts
Final papers of the Conference
Reception, 7th September
Conference Dinner, 8th September
Lunches and coffees for the three days of meetings
Payment of fee
Payment of the Conference fee should be made by transferring the amount due in Euros into the following current account number and
Payment		Through Bank Transfer to:
Banco de la PequeÓa y Mediana Empresa (BANKPYME)
Travesera de Gracia, 11
08021 Barcelona (Spain)
Account Number:  	0142-0001-14-2001037160
Beneficiary:		GATE (Grupo de AnÂlisis TransiciÕn EconÕmica)
NOTICE:	1) All transfers should be ordened with all charges for ordering part (Code "OUR" in field 71A of SWITF MESSAGE).
2) VERY IMPORTANT: Remark to your bankers to provide the name of person who will attend to the meeting.
Participants are kindly requested to send the credit transfer confirmation. We regret that personal cheques and creditcards cannot
be accepted.
The list of fees is enclosed in the registration form. 
If a written cancellation of a registration is received before 31.07.2000, 80 per cent of the Conference fee will be refunded.
Cancellations after that date, as a rule, will not be refunded. All refunds will be processed after the meeting.

6th EACES Conference, 7-9 September 2000, Barcelona, Spain
Family name:		           				Name:
Town:			     Area code:			Country:
Tel.:				Fax:				E-mail:
1.  Registration fees
If the registration form is sent before 29 February 2000, fees are as below:
General registration				:	170 Euros 
Students and Eastern Europe scholars	:	  95 Euros
If the registration form is sent after the above date, fees are as below:
General registration				:	190 Euros
Students and Eastern Europe scholars	:	100 Euros

6th EACES Conference Organizing Committee
GATE (Grupo de AnÂlisis de la TransiciÕn EconÕmica)
Departament de PolÎtica EconÔmica i Estructura EconÔmica Mundial
Universitat de Barcelona
Avda. Diagonal 690 4th floor
08034 Barcelona (Spain)
Tel.  34 934021949
Fax  34 934024573
e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Double room price	 19.500 Ptas.
Single room	          16.500 Ptas.
Tel. 00 34 93 280 03 03
Fax 00 34 93 280 33 92
Double room price 	25.000 Ptas.
Single room	    21.000 Ptas.
Tel. 00 34 93 302 58 58
Fax 00 34 93 301 86 74
Double room price	 16.000 Ptas.
Single room          12.500 Ptas.
Tel. 00 34 93 302 25 58
Fax 00 34 93 412 38 19
Double room price 	20.500 Ptas.
Single room          13.750 Ptas.
Tel 00 34 93  241 18 00
Fax 00 34 93 241 18 05
Double room price 	18.700 Ptas.
Single room          14.300 Ptas.
Tel 00 34 93 209 25 11
Fax 00 34 93 200 83 70
Double room price 	12.000 Ptas.
Single room                             10.500 Ptas.
Tel 00 34 93 318 21 92
Fax 00 34 93 412 40 20

Double room price 	11.100 Ptas.
Single room                             8.500 Ptas.
Tel 00 34 93 204 09 00
Fax 00 34 93 204 50 14
All these prices include breakfast, and a 7% VAT should be added.
(1DM = 85.07 Ptas. ; 1 Euro = 166.386 Ptas. ; 1 $ = 157.37 Ptas. )
Hotel booking should be faxed directly to the chosen hotel, specifying full name, credit card number (expiring date included) as a
guarantee in order to formalize the reservation. The payment will be fullfil upon depart. Reservations should be made as soon as
possible given the high occupation rates of the hotels in Barcelona. In any case, not after the 1 May, 2000.
The COLEGIO MAYOR PENYAFORT-MONTSERRAT (students residence) also ofers single and double rooms without bathroom (3.400 ptas. and
5.850 ptas. respectively*), breakfast included. If you choose this option, booking should be made before 1 January 2000, by
contacting the organizers, and adding 10 Euros to the registration fee as a downpayment of the accommodation. 
(*Please note these are 1999 rates, prices could slightly change in 2000)
