

At 12:32 02.11.99 +0000, you wrote:
>Louise wrote...
>> In terms of retaining qualitaive materials for future re-use, we have
>> guidelines on the form and content of what materials over and above the raw
>> text might be useful.   
>I can see the reasons for this but there are also much more exciting 
>opportunities available. My personal favourite would be to provide the 
>whole of my project (including data and coding) in NVivo format on 
>CD ROM, with the free read-only version of NVivo packaged in.

This is a costly cul-de-sac. Instead of pressing valuable data into a
proprietary representation, restricting presentation and analysis to the more
or less arbitrary features offered by any one specific software, we should
consider the use of an open standard (XML) which would allow transformation
into any other representation (including NVivo, etc) by way of style sheets. 
"Single source, multiple usage" !

- Thomas
PS.: see also:

>This would mean that anyone with a decent PC could not only 
>browse the documents and but also re-examine the researcher's 
>analytical/coding framework.
>Best Wishes
>Mark Priestley
>Disability Research Unit
>University of Leeds

E. Dijkstra: "The purpose of computing is not answers, but insight"
                             Dipl.-Psych. Dipl.-Inform. Thomas Muhr
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