

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999, Richard Copsey wrote:

> >One of my favourite questions (which I had once planned to co-edit), is a
> late >13th century quodlibetal question from Paris: 'if a priest dies, does
> he have to >reordained if he comes back from the dead?'   Hmm. Wes Craven's
> Night of >the Living Priests.... :-)
> Such questions persisted well into living memory.  I remember that, in 1970
> when I was being questioned during the diocesan examination before
> ordination, one of the examiners, a somewhat elderly priest, asked me what
> would have happened to the bread and wine if the apostles had celebrated
> mass in between the crucifixion and the ascension!

I suspect that the more standard scholastic approach for asking these
sorts of questions about the sacraments (rather than <sepulchral
voice> the Priest that Would Not Die</sepulchral voice>) was that used
by Thomas in the Summa. He has a series of quaestiones using Lazarus
as his 'test case': what if Lazarus had been a priest? Would he have
needed to be ordained a second time after he was raised from the dead?
Et cetera, et cetera. Never a dull moment at St Jacques!

Abigail Ann Young (Dr), Associate Editor/ Records of Early English Drama/
Victoria College/ 150 Charles Street W/ Toronto Ontario Canada
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