

Rabia Anne Geha wrote: Sir, regarding the Typikon, I have done a search of the library catalogue, with these results: TYPIKON occurs 2 times in 2 records......... Rabia: The following sources are worth examining... if it is your purpose to secure an "official place" in the apoointed liturgical sercives for reference to and authorized use of those olive branches. The common trope from the narrative of Noah and the Flood ( Gen 6:11) weaves its way into the associative tapestry of some rather unlikely Byzantine hymnography ( certainly a testimony to its transparent ubiquity as potent theological image). It is unfortunate that most of the more readily accessible ( English. German, French) studies on the development of the Typika have focused on aspects of the Eucharistic celebration and/or the Paschal Cycle. Of what remains,( russian and Greek) I suggest the following, and in the folowing order of usefulness: Dmitrievskij, A. Drevnejshie patriarshie tipikony svjatogrobskij, Ierusalimskij, i Velikoj Konstantinopol'skoj Cerkvi. Kiev, 1907. Papadopoulos- Kerameus A. Analekta Ierosolymitikes Stachyologias. 2vols. St. Petersburg, 1899. Repr. 1978 Akademischen Druk-u- Verlagsanstalt: Graz, Austria. Bulgakov, S.V. Nastol'naja Kniga dlja svjashchenstvo- cerkovno sluzhitelej. Kharkov, 1900. Repr. 1965,Akademischen Druk-u- Verlagsanstalt: Graz, Austria. Mateos, J. Le Typicon de la Grande Eglise., 2 vols. Vol I: The Yearly Cycle of Fixed Feasts, Vol II: Moveable Feasts. [This volume will be most useful] Orientalia Christian Analecta, Pont. Inst. Stud. Orient. 1963,( Nos. 165, 166) You might also try: Symeon of Thessalonika, De Sacra liturgia. PG 155, 253- 304. I hope these help. If i can assist further.. please contact. Josef Gulka Josef Gulka [log in to unmask] 215- 732-8420 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%