

Colleagues may be interested in the following:

Science and Literature from Dante to Calvino

Friday 26 November 1999, 2-4.30 p.m.

University of Warwick

 Room H.060, Ground Floor, Humanities Building

1.30 Coffee

2.00 Simon Gilson (Warwick) 'Reflections on Science in Dante's 

2.25 Spencer Pearce (Manchester) 'Girolamo Fracastoro 
between Literature and Science'

2.50 Peter Armour (Royal Holloway) 'Rhetoric and Fantasy in 
Galileo's Writings'

3.15 Martin McLaughlin (Oxford) 'The Language of Science in 

3.40 Round-table discussion

4.20 Tea

The symposium is free of charge and after coffee/tea in Room 
H.403 (4th Floor, Humanities Building) will be held in Room 
H.060 (Ground Floor, Humanities Building).  To register and for 
further information, please contact Dr. Simon Gilson, 
Department of Italian, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 
7AL; tel. (024) 765 73095 (email <<[log in to unmask]>)

Loredana Polezzi
