

                                       CALL FOR PAPERS

The web-based bi-lingual, refereed on-line journal, glossen, announces its
eighth issue.

For its nineth issue, glossen invites article submissions on topics
related to German literature, film and art after 1945. 

Manuscripts and other materials should be submitted in two versions:  

1. as hard copy
2. as electronic copy on a disk or as attachment 

Both should be sent to Wolfgang Muller, managing editor.   Manuscripts may
be in German or English.  Normally, they should not exceed 10 pages.
glossen welcomes the use of graphic materials, sound, and video clips.

Visit the web site for glossen at:

					Wolfgang Muller, managing editor
					[log in to unmask]

Wolfgang Muller
Tel: 717 245 1284
Fax: 717 245 1456
