

>And...I've still to be told where all this 'radical' protest is leading,
>after the capitalist world is brought to its knees.

I can't speak for anyone else, but if you read the Green Party's 'Manifesto
for a Sustainable Society', you will get a rough idea of the kind of
society I would want -

As far as the aims of the coalition of groups against the WTO goes, there
are some very readable alternatives proposed, ranging from  a simple
moratorium on extension of WTO powers and discussion to the complete
abolition of the WTO and its replacement by a fair and equitable system of
trading rules. You can find links to all sorts of sites from the following:

Daily updates on the Seattle round and protest can be found at:

People's Global Action is at:

The Third World Network, which facilitates the efforts of many Southern
grass-roots orgnaisations to be heard in the North, is at:

>From your e-mails, it seems that you have a very strong idea yourself about
>what the job of an academic is...i.e. 'enlightenment' of the masses...

I never used the word 'masses', and I believe, if you read my message
again, you will see that I said it was a two-way process... Those are my
personal ethics - I am not trying to impose them on you or anyone else,
though I am very happy to follow in the footsteps of others who believe
similar things and to encourage more academics to thing the same way too.

Finally, you could also try my article coming out in Ethics, Place and
Environment early next year (I can send you a copy if you want). I'm not
altogether happy with it, but is anyone ever happy with stuff they write?



David Wood
PhD Research Student ('Intelligence Sites in Rural North Yorkshire')
Centre for Rural Economy
Department of Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing
University of Newcastle upon Tyne

0191 222 5305

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